1974 Land Rover Series III - 3.0L V6 AJ30 Auto | Retro Rides
2020年3月22日 · This was then transferred into a CAD drawing to help with piecing the puzzle together. This was then when I began thinking that trying to make the AJ30 fit the Series gearbox could be a large task with very little reward out of it. Then followed by measuring up the Jaguar clutch plate, the ST220 flywheel and the Series gearbox bolt pattern.
Jaguar S Type AJ 30 engine | Retro Rides
2020年2月2日 · Pretty sure they have enough outputs to control all the VVT stuff on the AJ30 lump, and are easily tweaked/tuned to suit And getting it running with the standard sensors and an Emerald will be better/more driveable/easier to do than carbs ever will be on a modern engine designed with low emissions output from the start
Jaguar AJ30 V6 into Ford Sierra - Retro Rides
2016年3月31日 · The AJ30/Duratec V6s will not tolerate overheating that well at all (I've been there and done that, and see others suffer). Water pumps again are not as bad as people make out as long as you use the correct coolant.
1974 Land Rover Series III - 3.0L V6 AJ30 Auto - Retro Rides
2014年1月8日 · 1974 Land Rover Series III - 3.0L V6 AJ30 Auto. Important Stuff. Retro Rides Gathering 2024. Stolen. Dream.
AJ30 engine or Jag S type donor - Retro Rides
looking at doing a V6 conversion on my NB, going to use any of the conversion parts i can source from rocketeer but will hunt down anything i can.
AJ30 Engine Number Location? - Retro Rides
2018年10月7日 · Hi all, I've put an AJ30 V6 engine in my kit car (from a 1999 S-Type Jag) but am having problems locating the engine number on the block (which I need for the IVA) - google is no help, can anyone
aj30 jaguar 3.0 v6 and ford v6 stuff - Retro Rides
2023年1月15日 · pair of rwd jaguar engine mounts to block with oil filter with the big old rubber mountings £35 one s type sump pan and pick up - the later style £25 one early stye smooth s type oil pan £30 - w
Jaguar S Type AJ 30 engine | Retro Rides
2020年10月12日 · I'm running a AJ30 in my kit car,great engine. They are simple to run on aftermarket management,all you need wired up is crank sensor,throttle position sensor,coolant temp, inlet air temp and it will run lovely using a Mondeo wasted spark coilpack. I've got VVT coming on at 1800rpm and going off at 5800rpm, as it restricts top end power with it on.
ME442 + free AJ30 loom - unused and new. | Retro Rides
Retro Rides forum thread ME442 + free AJ30 loom - unused and new.
£250 Aj30 v6 engine and box - Retro Rides
Retro Rides forum thread £250 Aj30 v6 engine and box