ROS2 AMCL vs robot_localization - Robotics Stack Exchange
2023年2月26日 · When using ROS2 with Nav2, what function does AMCL and robot_localization serve? Do both of them estimate the robot position and publish the odom -> base_link transform? If yes, don't they confl...
Robot localization with AMCL and EKF - Robotics Stack Exchange
2016年4月13日 · AMCL is a global localization algorithm in the sense that it fuses LIDAR scan matching with a source of odometry to provide an estimate of the robot's pose w.r.t a global map reference frame. It is common to use an EKF/UKF such as those implemented in the robot_localization package to fuse wheel odometry with an IMU (or other sensors) and create …
navigation - problem with robot localization using amcl - Robotics ...
Hi all, I have a mobile robot and I would like it to navigate in a room, I already have a map of the room. I am using wheel encoders for the odometry, robot_pose_ekf for fusing data from wheel encoders and IMU and to get the odom_combined -> base_footprint transformation. Then , I have amcl for localization and move_base is doing the planning.
ros - amcl estimation quality - Robotics Stack Exchange
2015年9月21日 · AMCL publishes a PoseWithCovarianceStamped where the covariance represents the spread within the entire filter. This tells you something about how confident the filter is about its estimate, but not directly how good the estimate is. If you want to know how good a particular pose is, you'll have to apply the sensor model to the pose. AMCL does this in …
Navigation Stack, AMCL or EKF - Robotics Stack Exchange
According to ROS wiki: " amcl takes in a laser-based map, laser scans, and transform messages, and outputs pose estimates." " The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine …
ros - AMCL odom_alpha parameters - Robotics Stack Exchange
Record the sensors and the odometry and watch what's happening in rviz playing the bag with amcl running. Closely look at what happens to your PoseArray and see where and how the robot gets lost.
AMCL: cannot match well, jumps crazily - Robotics Stack Exchange
Comment by on 2017-03-11: Jumps are often caused by amcl, maybe run "rosrun tf tf_echo" on both transforms to see which transform is actually jumping. Comment by on 2017-03-11: @Humpelstilzchen I have make sure that its caused by amcl dismatch. I have uploaded a picture in my question. I dont know why amcl cannot match laser Comment by on 2017-03-12: Looks …
AMCL and global localisation - Robotics Stack Exchange
2011年8月2日 · This is because AMCL is a particle filter; in order to localize globally, it needs many, many particles, which means much, much computation. Similarly, when AMCL is not well localized, it will generate more particles per step, and therefore require more computation. The 'A' in AMCL (for "adaptive") refers to the algorithm's ability to choose the particle count …
ros - AMCL losting problem - Robotics Stack Exchange
Comment by osmancns on 2015-09-10: . I placed boxes center of the corridor. and I mapped again. and now AMCL doesnt loss. corridor length is longer then my lidar max range. is it a problem you think ? and if particles dont spread out , Does that amcl parameters are very good . ı know so ??? you think my parameters are bad @mig ??
navigation - How to set the initial pose manually in amcl?
2017年12月8日 · The amcl_node initial the pose by using initial_pose_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("initialpose", 2, &AmclNode::initialPoseReceived, this); I was wondering where does this message pub ? And is there anything I should notice when I …