African swine fever virus - Wikipedia
African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large, double-stranded DNA virus in the Asfarviridae family. [1] It is the causative agent of African swine fever (ASF). The virus causes a hemorrhagic fever with high mortality rates in domestic pigs; some isolates can cause death of animals as quickly as a week after infection.
非洲猪瘟(英文名称:Infection with African swine fever virus,简称:ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(英文名称:African Swine fever virus,简称:ASFV)感染家猪和各种野猪(如非洲野猪、欧洲野猪等)而引起的一种急性、出血性、烈性传染病。
African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV): Biology, Genomics and …
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly infectious and fatal haemorrhagic disease of pigs that is caused by a complex DNA virus of the genus Asfivirus and Asfarviridae African suids family. The disease is among the most devastating pig diseases worldwide including Africa.
非洲猪瘟病毒 - 百度百科
非洲猪瘟 病毒(ASFV, African swine fever virus)是非洲猪瘟病毒科(Asfarviridae)下仅有的种,具有传染性和极高的致病性 [1]。 急性病例临床症状以高热、病程短、死亡率高、内脏器官广泛性出血以及呼吸系统和 神经系统功能 紊乱为主要特征 [2]。 猪瘟病毒的3D精细结构已经被破译 [3],但直至2020年初仍未有针对ASFV的特效疫苗或是 抗病毒药物 可以有效的在疫情爆发时及时控制病毒的传播 [4]。 ASFV是所发现的仅有的 虫媒 DNA病毒,主要依靠软体蜱 …
非洲猪瘟病毒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
非洲猪瘟病毒 (学名: African swine fever virus,缩写 ASFV)是 非洲豬瘟病毒科 非洲豬瘟病毒屬 下的唯一成员,是一种 雙鏈DNA病毒 [1],会引起猪类患上 非洲猪瘟。 根据其B646L基因3′端序列的差异,非洲猪瘟病毒被分为24个 基因型,所有基因型在 非洲 都有分布,但只有基因Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型传播至非洲以外的地区,包括 欧洲 、 美洲 和 亚洲 等地区 [2]。 非洲豬瘟病毒屬(Asfivirus)只有一個物種,就是「非洲豬瘟病毒」,只會感染豬隻,令豬隻發病。 本屬的學 …
African swine fever - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, whose mortality rate can reach 100%. It is not a danger to human health, but it has devastating effects on pig populations and the farming economy.
African swine fever – A review of current knowledge
2020年10月2日 · African swine fever (ASF) is a viral hemorrhagic disease with exceptionally high lethality in domestic pigs and Eurasian wild boar. Over the last decade, ASF has emerged in several European and Asian countries and has now an unprecedented distribution.
African Swine Fever Virus: An Emerging DNA Arbovirus
2020年5月13日 · African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the sole member of the family Asfarviridae, and the only known DNA arbovirus. Since its identification in Kenya in 1921, ASFV has remained endemic in Africa, maintained in a sylvatic cycle between Ornithodoros soft ticks and warthogs ( Phacochoerus africanus ) which do not develop clinical disease with ASFV ...
African swine fever virus vaccine strain Asfv-G-∆I177l reverts to ...
2025年3月6日 · ASFV-G-ΔI177L is a modified-live African swine fever virus (ASFV) strain that has been incorporated into a commercially available vaccine. Its safety in pregnant sows and genetic stability in an ...
African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV): Biology, Genomics and …
2021年11月15日 · African swine fever (ASF) is a highly infectious and fatal haemorrhagic disease of pigs that is caused by a complex DNA virus of the genus Asfivirus and Asfarviridae African suids family. The disease is among the most devastating pig diseases worldwide including Africa.
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