Auto Update policy - Chrome Enterprise and Education Help
ChromeOS devices—including Chromebook, Chromebox, and Chromebase—receive automatic updates that enhance both the device and its software.
自動更新ポリシー - Chrome Enterprise and Education ヘルプ
ChromeOS デバイス(Chromebook、Chromebox、Chromebase など)は自動更新され、デバイス本体と搭載ソフトウェアの機能が強化されます。
Check your Chromebook’s update schedule - Chromebook Help
Chromebooks, Chromebases, and Chromeboxes automatically manage updates so that your device has the latest software and security features.
Pixelbook final software update - Pixelbook Help - Google Help
Each device has an Auto Update Expiration (AUE) date listed; this means that before this date, devices will receive new software updates from Google. Google will provide advanced notice of a model's AUE date to give buyers time to make purchase decisions. Please check the Auto Update Expiration date when making a purchasing decision.
Join a meeting - Computer - Google Meet Help
As a Google Workspace user, your Google Workspace admin controls what meetings you can join. By default, you can join any meeting a Google Workspace user, personal account user, Workspace Individual Subscriber, or a Google One Subscriber organizes, unless your admin restricts it to one of the following:
Google Help
If you're having trouble accessing a Google product, there's a chance we're currently experiencing a temporary problem.
Google Jamboard va a dejar de estar disponible
2024年12月31日 · El dispositivo Jamboard de 55 pulgadas alcanzará el vencimiento de las actualizaciones automáticas (AUE). Ya no podrás usar el dispositivo para unirte a reuniones de Meet y no guardarás información en la nube. Más información sobre el fin del ciclo de vida de los dispositivos Jamboard; Después del 31 de diciembre del 2024
Fix problems with gift cards & codes - Google Play Help
First, try to scan your gift card: On your Android phone, open the Google Play app .; At the top right, tap the Profile icon.
Update your Chromebook's operating system - Chromebook Help …
Turn on your Chromebook. Connect your Chromebook to Wi-Fi.; At the bottom right, select the time Settings .; At the bottom left, select About ChromeOS.
Aide YouTube Music - Google Help
Centre d'aide officiel de YouTube Music où vous trouverez des conseils et des didacticiels sur l'utilisation du produit, ainsi que les réponses aux questions fréquentes.