AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link - Smart Weapons
The AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link allows the operator to select an aimpoint for weapon impact, and provides the only currently available link between munition seekers and humans.
Raytheon: Raytheon and Ultra Electronics Team to Pursue Next …
Raytheon's operation at Indianapolis has designed, manufactured and provided in-service support for bomb racks and missile launchers since 1971. The current Mil-Std-1760 smart weapon interface had its roots at the Indianapolis facility with the initial design of the AWW-13 weapon data link pod in the late 1980s.
data link missile remote-control | Military Aerospace
2022年8月8日 · Officials of the Naval Air Systems Command at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md., are asking the Boeing Defense, Space & Security segment in St. Louis to provide 36 SLAM-ER AN/AWW-13...
AGM-84K SLAM-ER - Military.com
Most significant characteristics are: a highly accurate, GPS-aided guidance system; an imaging infrared seeker and two-way data link with the AWW-13 Advanced Data Link pod for Man-In-The-Loop...
AN/AWW-13 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The AN/AWW-13 is a weapons data link pod manufactured by Raytheon for use with the SLAM ER air-to-surface land attack cruise missile. The AN/AWW-13 has been designed for integration with fighter aircraft such as the F-16 and F-15E/K.
F/A-18C Stores - DCS Documentation
2022年8月1日 · AN/AWW-13 Advanced Datalink ¶ The AN/AWW-13 is used to receive post-launch video from, and send guidance commands to, the AGM-62 Walleye, AGM-84E SLAM, and AGM-84K SLAM-ER.
Advanced Datalink Pod - DCS World Pro
The AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link allows the operator to select an aimpoint for weapon impact, and provides the only currently available link between munition seekers and humans. This link generally requires electro-optical/infrared acquisition in clear weather.
USDoD MIL-DTL-85629 | Free Access from Standards Technology …
2019年5月14日 · This specification establishes the performance, design, manufacture, and acceptance requirements for AN/AWW-13 Guided Weapon Control-Monitor Set, herein referred to as the pod.
Hornet Air-To-Ground (A/G) - DCS Documentation
2022年2月5日 · The AN/AWW-13 Advanced Datalink Pod is used to communicate with the SLAM. It allows for guidance of the SLAM seeker after it has been launched by transmitting and receiving post-launch slew and lock-on commands.
ASSIST-QuickSearch Document Details
This specification establishes the performance, design, manufacture, and acceptance requirements for AN/AWW-13 Guided Weapon Control-Monitor Set, herein referred to as the …