B&Q | DIY Products at Everyday Low Prices | DIY at B&Q
Shop for everything you need to complete your home and garden project. Order online for 1hr Click+Collect, or free home delivery on orders over £75.
Outdoor, Garden & Patio | Gardens | DIY at B&Q
Shop Outdoor & Garden products at B&Q - 90 day returns. Click + Collect available. Free standard delivery on orders over £75. Discover top outdoor brands. More than 300 stores nationwide.
B&Q | DIY Products at Everyday Low Prices | DIY at B&Q
That’s why B&Q is not just a one-stop DIY shop. From offering quality products to our expert advice and services, we’re here to help you turn your mood boards, project ideas and renovation dreams into reality. Our online DIY shop has even more than our aisles.
B&Q - Wikipedia
B&Q Limited (short for Block & Quayle after the company's two founders) is a British multinational DIY, home improvement and garden centre retailing company, with headquarters in Eastleigh, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kingfisher plc. It was founded in March 1969 by Richard Block and David Quayle.
B&Q - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B&Q (簡稱:百安居),是一家 跨國 的大型 DIY 用家庭與園藝工具材料 連鎖店 與 大賣場,1969年成立於 英國 南安普敦,由理查·布洛克(Richard Block)與大衛·奎勒(David Quayle)共同創辦,B&Q的公司名稱来自两位创始人姓氏布洛克(Block)与奎勒(Quayle)的英 …
Find a store | DIY at B&Q
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B&Q公司是全英国和全欧洲最大的一家DIY (DO IT YOURSELF自己动手)和园艺多样化零售商,在市场中占据绝对领先地位。 通过其Supercenter和Warehouse门店,它占据了全英19%的市场,拥有288家门店,为各种类型的DIY (DO IT YOURSELF自己动手)客户提供服务,满足处理家务的新 …
b-q.to - B And Q UK Website
With over 300 stores across the UK and Ireland, B&Q is the leading retailer for all things DIY and home improvement. From decorating and hardware to bathrooms, kitchens and gardening, B&Q has everything you need to take on any project around your home.
百安居 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月27日 · 百安居(B&Q),全称为百安居(中国)投资有限公司,成立于2006年,位于上海市,总部位于英国格洛斯特郡,是一家以从事商务服务业为主的企业。
B&Q - Facebook
B&Q. 411,792 likes · 1,029 talking about this · 21,799 were here. Need help with something? We’ve got you covered. Our customer service team are on hand...