Douglas B-23 Dragon - Wikipedia
The Douglas B-23 Dragon is an American twin-engined bomber developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company as a successor to the B-18 Bolo. Douglas proposed a number of modifications designed to improve the performance of the B-18. Initially considered a redesign, the XB-22 featured 1,600 hp Wright R-2600-1 Twin Cyclone radial engines.
B-23轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-23轰炸机 (Douglas B-23 Dragon)是 道格拉斯飞机公司 由 B-18轰炸机 基础改良的双引擎战术 轰炸机。 B-18在1934年得标量产后,美国希望能有更好性能的中型轰炸机,道格拉斯公司向美国陆航提出改进方案,这个版本最初称为 XB-22,XB-22配备了动力表现更好的R-2600双黄蜂引擎;不过美军怀疑单纯更换引擎的性能增幅有限,道格拉斯后来提出运用 道格拉斯DC-3 设计去改良一款新轰炸机,美国陆航同意调整最后一笔B-18合约,在AC9977号合约调整后道格拉斯得到 …
B-23 轰炸机 - 百度百科
B-23 轰炸机,简称“龙”,是由道格拉斯飞机公司研制的双引擎轰炸机,受到与B-18同时期的多发B-17机型的成功影响,“龙”具有更加合乎空气动力学的新式机身,更大的翼展和更高的垂直尾翼,它也是首次在机尾设置机枪手位置的美国轰炸机。
B-23轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-23轟炸機 (Douglas B-23 Dragon)是 道格拉斯飛機公司 由 B-18轟炸機 基礎改良的雙引擎戰術 轟炸機。 B-18在1934年得標量產後,美國希望能有更好性能的中型轟炸機,道格拉斯公司向美國陸航提出改進方案,這個版本最初稱為 XB-22,XB-22配備了動力表現更好的R-2600雙黃蜂引擎;不過美軍懷疑單純更換引擎的性能增幅有限,道格拉斯後來提出運用 道格拉斯DC-3 設計去改良一款新轟炸機,美國陸航同意調整最後一筆B-18合約,在AC9977號合約調整後道格拉斯得到 …
Douglas B-23 Dragon Specifications and Performance Manufacturer: Douglas Aircraft Company of Santa Monica, California Classification: Medium bomber Wingspan: 92 feet Wing area: 993 square feet Length: 58 feet 6 inches Note: Less in diameter than the B-18A, a more streamline appearance. Tail height: 18 feet 6 inches
Douglas B-23 Dragon - National Museum of the USAF
The B-23 is a twin-engine bomber developed as a successor to the Douglas B-18 and was first flown in July 1939. Circa 1939-1945 USAAF medium bomber, later utility cargo aircraft; 38 built. Although B-23s were never used in combat during World War II, they did serve in secondary roles, such as reconnaissance, training, transport and test-bed ...
战机科普:B-23轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年8月21日 · B-23轰炸机 (Douglas B-23 Dragon)是道格拉斯飞机公司由B-18轰炸机基础改良的双引擎战术轰炸机。
House of The B-23 Dragon - Vintage Aviation News
2024年12月3日 · Boasting greatly improved performance and upgraded armament, the Dragon looked like a promising prospect as the USAAC’s next medium bomber. The twin 1,600-hp Wright R-2600 engines gave the B-23 her power, and a maximum speed …
Warplanes of the USA: Douglas B-23 Dragon - SilverHawkAuthor
The Douglas B-23 Dragon is an American twin-engined bomber developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company as a successor to (and a refinement of) the B-18 Bolo. Douglas proposed a number of modifications designed to improve the performance of the B-18.
Douglas B-23 Dragon #39-0045 - Castle Air Museum
An American twin-engine bomber developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company as a successor to the Douglas B-18 Bolo. B-23s were used as anti-submarine patrol, reconnaissance, training, transport, and test-bed aircraft during WW2.