BA-I - Wikipedia
The BA-I (sometimes BAI) is a Soviet three-axle armoured car. Only 82 vehicles [1] of this type were built in 1932–1934, nevertheless the design initiated a series of heavy armoured cars of Izhorskij plant: BA-3, BA-6, BA-9, and BA-10. Some vehicles were used in World War II, despite being obsolete at the time.
百度一下,你就知道 - Baidu
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TheB.AI - Your All-In-One AI Chatbots Platform
Real-time search for anything you want to know, whether it's articles, images, videos, or even answers to math problems, powered by our self-developed search suite. Through our …
钡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
钡 bèi (英語: Barium;源于 希臘語: βαρύς,轉寫为 barys,直譯为 重的),是一種 化學元素,其 化學符號 为 Ba, 原子序數 为56, 原子量 為 137.327 u。 钡是 元素週期表 中2A族的第五个元素,是一种柔软的有银白色金属光泽的 碱土金属。 由于它的化学性质十分活泼,从来没有在自然界中发现钡 单质。 钡在自然界中最常见的矿物是 重晶石 (硫酸钡,BaSO 4)和 毒重石 (碳酸钡,BaCO 3),二者皆不溶于水。 它在1774年被确认为一个新元素,但直到1808年电解法 …
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Financial Calculator - Free Online BAII Plus Calculator for CFA, FRM
2024年11月16日 · Free online BAII Plus financial calculator. Perfect for CFA and FRM exam preparation with TVM, NPV, IRR calculations and more.
Barium iodide - Wikipedia
Barium iodide is an inorganic compound with the formula BaI 2. The compound exists as an anhydrous and a hydrate (BaI 2 (H 2 O) 2), both of which are white solids. When heated, hydrated barium iodide converts to the anhydrous salt. The hydrated form is …