What is the meaning of the math symbol $\\because$?
2017年4月13日 · $\begingroup$ @VerenaHaunschmid That site looks really cool, but I still can't get it to do anything more than three dots in horizontal line for the symbol in question :) Although, trying to draw the "therefore" sign I wound up with the "because" sign by accident lol $\endgroup$ –
logic - Is there a formal definition of the $\because$ (because) …
2021年12月13日 · Is there a formal definition of the $\because$ (because) symbol? If so, what is it? I use (or abuse?) the $\because$ symbol to introduce assumptions, definitions, or to other assertions. I first encountered it in a formal logic course in which the professor openly bragged about not using it in a strictly correct way.
notation - Origin and usage of $\therefore$ and $\because ...
The symbol $\therefore$ is used in the book An introduction to formal logic, by Peter Smith, a very nice book indeed. It is a symbol of the formal language of logic, used as inference marker, to signal that an inference is being drawn from the premises.
logic - What does "because" mean, in the context of an answer to …
2023年9月19日 · However, again, both implications are true because the consequent is true. So, these and many other examples show that "because" is not the same as "implies". My question is, has there been, in some text, a formal and rigorous analysis of "because", at least as applied to mathematical statements? Perhaps that text also gives a definition of ...
Why isn’t ‘because’ a logical connective in propositional logic?
"because" is logically equivalent to a binary operator; or it's not; If it is, it's probably the same as "only if" (Or take your pick of the other 15 operators). Adding a "because" overload would create an additional word to remember: unneeded complexity. We like simplicity. If it isn't, you can define a binary function because(a, b) however ...
logic - Difference between $\implies$ and $\;\therefore ...
"Because" is the same in reverse. "B because A" means that B is true because A is true. This contains the assertion that A is true. Latex \because ($\because$) gives the inverted dot triangle that has long been used to mean "because". "Implies" is completely different. "A implies B" means that IF A is true, then B is also true.
notation - Three dot ∴ symbol meaning - Mathematics Stack …
2019年3月3日 · $\begingroup$" im could not find any definition of this symbol." I simply Googled "∴ symbol" and it told me the same thing as the accepted answer. I don't see why this question was asked as it was only asked recently in 2019, and I don't think Google lacked this result back then. $\endgroup$ –
Why are 3 dots used as shorthand for “therefore” in maths?
2023年3月29日 · The symbols $\therefore,\,\because$, nowadays meaning therefore and because, have at times been used the other way round too for centuries, and Johann Rahn is credited with using $\therefore$ first, but I don't know why he made it look that way. $\endgroup$ –
What does $\therefore$ mean - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年12月26日 · The notation $\therefore$ (written as \therefore) is shorthand for the word therefore. Since the symbol connects cause and effect, the symbol is pretty common and thus has a common abbreviation. This link has a list of more logic symbols, such as $\forall$ (for all). Also, the upside-down version of the symbol is used to mean "because"
Difference between "≈", "≃", and "≅" - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The symbol ≅ is used for isomorphism of objects of a category, and in particular for isomorphism of categories (which are objects of CAT). The symbol ≃ is used for equivalence of categories. At least, this is the convention used in this book and by most category theorists, although it is far from universal in mathematics at large.