Blathering Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BLATHERING is foolish or nonsensical talk or writing. How to use blathering in a sentence.
BLATHERING Synonyms: 41 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for BLATHERING: blabbering, blithering, yakking, gabbing, prating, trolling, drivelling, yacking; Antonyms of BLATHERING: articulating, pronouncing, enunciating
BLATHERING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BLATHERING definition: 1. present participle of blather 2. to talk for a long time in a silly or annoying way: . Learn more.
Blather Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BLATHER is to talk foolishly at length —often used with on. How to use blather in a sentence.
BLATHER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BLATHER definition: 1. to talk for a long time in a silly or annoying way: 2. silly or annoying talk that continues…. Learn more.
Blathering - definition of blathering by The Free Dictionary
Define blathering. blathering synonyms, blathering pronunciation, blathering translation, English dictionary definition of blathering. also bleth·er intr.v. blath·ered , blath·er·ing , blath·ers also bleth·ered or bleth·er·ing or bleth·ers To talk nonsensically. n. Nonsensical talk....
Blather - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
To blather is to talk on and on without saying anything very important or wise. If you blather all afternoon, it might be a welcome distraction to your friend who's grieving the death of her cat.
How to Use Blather vs. blither Correctly - GRAMMARIST
Blather is preferred by a wide margin in all varieties of English, although blithering is more often used in the phrase blithering idiot. Both words are pejorative, but blithering is harsher (because it’s usually followed by the obviously pejorative idiot).
blathering: meaning, synonyms - WordSense
What does blathering mean? Incoherent or foolish talk. From Old Norse blaðra ("to speak inarticulately, talk nonsense"). Cognate with German dialectal bladdern ("to talk nonsense, blather"). (pejorative) To talk rapidly without making much sense. Automatically generated practical examples in English:
BLATHER - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
If someone is blathering on about something, they are talking for a long time about something that you consider boring or unimportant.