Rakia – Find BG Food Marketplace
RAKIA is the Bulgarian national drink. It is as rooted in Bulgarian history and existence as is bourbon in American. In case you haven't tried it yet, rakia is hard liquor from the brandy family. It is made from fermented grapes, plums, or virtually any fruit with sugars in it.
Best Sellers Rakia Collection – Find BG Food Marketplace
Our Best Sellers collection of authentic Bulgarian rakias is for those who want to try the most sought-after rakias. If you are looking for the perfect rakia sampler – this is it. You will be delighted with their highly distinctive flavors and deep and smooth taste.
Rakia – Bulgarian Food EUROPE
RAKIA is the Bulgarian national drink. It is as rooted in Bulgarian history and existence as is bourbon in American. In case you haven't tried it yet, rakia is hard liquor from the brandy family. It is made from fermented grapes, plums, or virtually any fruit with sugars in it.
Rakia - Spirits - The Old Cellar
Buy online quality Bulgarian wines and Rakia at The Old Cellar in three easy steps. Choose a product, make a payment & get a free delivery!
Rakia - a Bulgarian drink - Find BG Food
In Bulgaria, rakia made from grapes (like Italian grappa) is the most popular, but slivovitza (rakia made from plums) is also popular. Making rakia at home has been a part of Bulgarian traditions for centuries (scroll down for a recipe). Nowadays more and more of the produce is being commercially produced in distilleries.
Bulgari Distillery Buy Online, USA, Eau de Vie, Bulgarian Rakia, …
European countries have different names for Eau de Vie (e.g., German Schnaps, Bulgarian Rakia, ракия, Italian Aqua Vitae,Turkish rakı, Romanian țuică, Czech and Slovak pálenka, Hungarian pálinka, and so on) COCKTAILS: Due to their unrefined and elegant aromas Eau de Vies are excellent ingredient for cocktails.
Bulgarian Deli - rakia
Voted best rakia in Bulgaria, Burgas 63, exhibits all the qualities to be crowned the Queen of rakia. Its fruity, slightly sweet flavor and smooth finish are a staple of fine quality drink. Burgas 63 is aged in oak barrels which adds an unmistakable aroma and flavor.
Rakia | ракия | BulgarianWine.com | (707) 939-8719
Rakia may have been created in 14th century Bulgaria. Traditionally distilled from plums, today Rakia is often made from grapes. Bulgarian grappa
Bulgarian Rakia
In Bulgaria, Rakia is the first thing on the table, together with the salad. It is often the traditional Schopska salad that is served as the first dish. It consists of onions, parsley, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and grated sheep's cheese. The Bulgarians enjoy the Rakia in small sips and talk about their day. The first course therefore takes ...
Craft rakia from Bulgaria - rakiaisperih.BG
We produce genuine fruit rakia from apricots, plums, quinces, grapes and other fruits. Our fruit spirits are a flagship for the quality of Bulgarian production.