Cadherin-1 - Wikipedia
Cadherin-1 or Epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin), (not to be confused with the APC/C activator protein CDH1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CDH1 gene. [5] Mutations are correlated with gastric, breast, colorectal, thyroid, and ovarian cancers.CDH1 has also been designated as CD324 (cluster of differentiation 324). It is a tumor suppressor gene.
E Cadherin (CDH1)靶点介绍及实验小贴士| Abcam中文官网
E Cadherin (CDH1)靶点介绍及实验小贴士靶点介绍助您了解其蛋白功能,蛋白定位及异构体和翻译后修饰等特质。同时列举了实用的WB实验小贴士,助您实验成功。
CDH1 Gene - GeneCards | CADH1 Protein | CADH1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · CDH1 (Cadherin 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with CDH1 include Diffuse Gastric And Lobular Breast Cancer Syndrome and Blepharocheilodontic Syndrome 1.Among its related pathways are Cell junction organization and Uptake and actions of bacterial toxins.Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include calcium ion …
肿瘤靶点——钙粘蛋白CDH - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
前 言 钙粘蛋白是钙依赖性细胞间粘附的重要介质,属于跨膜糖蛋白。钙粘蛋白在组织稳态中起重要作用,促进组织发育、突触粘附和上皮屏障功能。钙粘蛋白功能改变与癌症进展、血管疾病和其他病理学有关。目前多种钙粘…
CDH1 gene: MedlinePlus Genetics
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. More than 120 inherited mutations in the CDH1 gene have been found to cause a familial cancer disorder called hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). People with CDH1 gene mutations associated with HDGC have a 56 to 70 percent chance of developing stomach (gastric) cancer in their lifetimes. Women with these mutations also have a 40 to 50 …
6 Questions Answered about the CDH1 Gene Mutation & Stomach Cancer
2021年7月22日 · 1. Is stomach cancer genetic? What does it mean to have a CDH1 mutation? Having a CDH1 mutation means that you are at high risk for developing a very aggressive form of stomach cancer called hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC).The CDH1 mutation also puts women at risk for a certain form of breast cancer called lobular breast cancer. There are …
Large-scale analysis of CDH1 mutations defines a distinctive …
2024年9月30日 · Although histological and molecular classifications have been extensively studied for gastric cancer (GC), targeted therapies for GC remain limited. CDH1 mutations (MT) are characteristic of ...
什么是CDH1,又名上皮细胞钙粘素和CD324? - 知乎
cdh1,又名上皮细胞钙粘素和cd324,是一种钙依赖性的细胞粘附分子。它包括 胞外结构域 的5个重复钙粘蛋白、一个 跨膜结构域 和一个可结合p120-联蛋白和β-联蛋白的胞内结构域。. 成人组织的cdh1在上皮组织中表达,在那里它可不断地再生,它在细胞表面的半衰期是5个小时。
Cdh1: a master G0/G1 regulator | Nature Cell Biology
2008年6月15日 · APC/CCdh1 controls the G0 and G1 phases of the cell cycle. Using a conditional knockout of the Cdh1 coding gene Fizzy-related (Fzr), a new study demonstrates that Cdh1 is essential for viability ...
CDH1 - 百度百科
cdh1是位于16号染色体的基因。 本词条缺少概述图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来 编辑 吧!