USS Truxtun (CGN-35) - Wikipedia
The fifth USS Truxtun (DLGN-35/CGN-35) was a nuclear powered cruiser in the U.S. Navy. She was launched as a destroyer leader (called a "frigate" at the time) and later reclassified as a cruiser. She was named after Commodore Thomas Truxtun (1755–1822). She was in service from May 1967 to September 1995.
特拉克斯顿号巡洋舰是美国海军第四代核动力水面舰只。 于 1963 年6月开工建造,1964年12月下水 ,1967 年5月建成服役。 同级舰仅造1艘 [1]。 ①属 贝尔纳普级巡洋舰 的核动力型,总体布局同贝尔纳普。 ②采用 MK-10 型发射装置、可发射舰空导弹和反潜导弹,做到了一架二用。 ③取消了 76 毫米舰炮 , 取而代之的是鱼叉反舰导弹 , 全舰主战火炮只有前甲板一门 127 毫米单管舰炮 [1]。 动力装置 2 ×D2G核反应堆、 2 ×蒸汽轮机、 44130 千瓦、双轴。 人员编制 579 人。 火 …
Nuclear-powered cruisers of the United States Navy - Wikipedia
In the spring of 1967 came the Navy's third nuclear-powered cruiser, (though initially labeled a frigate), USS Truxtun (DLGN-35), a heavily modified design based on the Belknap -class cruiser.
USS Truxtun (CGN 35) - Unofficial US Navy Site
USS TRUXTUN was the first and only ship in the TRUXTUN - class and the fourth nuclear powered surface vessel commissioned by the US Navy. TRUXTUN made history in 1971 by becoming the first nuclear powered surface ship to visit Yokosuka, Japan. The ship was last homeported in San Diego, CA.
DLGN-35_CGN-35 - USS Truxtun Association
Upon completion of overhaul USS TRUXTUN (DLGN-35) was re-designated as a Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser (CGN). In July 1976 USS TRUXTUN began a highly successful sixth WESTPAC deployment during which she steamed a record setting 65,000 miles, making three round trips across the equator including one at the International Date Line.
CGN35 - mdc.idv.tw
特魯克頓號 (USS Truxtun CGN-35-ex DLG-35)飛彈巡洋艦除了改採核子動力之外,其裝備皆與貝克那普級相同。 此照片攝於1964年,當時 特魯克頓號仍歸類於飛彈巡防艦(DLG)。
USS Truxtun (1963) - Naval Encyclopedia
2024年2月17日 · The USS Truxtun was a tenth Belknap class cruiser, converted to nuclear power. Sge was active notably in Vietnam, and decommissioned in 1995.
长滩号核动力导弹巡洋舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1964年5月13日,長灘號與 企業號航空母舰 及 班布里奇號巡洋舰 (英语:USS Bainbridge (CGN-25)) 兩艘核動力軍艦合組為第一特遣支隊,進行準備 海環行動 (Operation Sea Orbit)的全核動力不靠港補給環球航行計畫;艦隊在同年七月底執行任務,於同年10月完成此創舉。
加利福尼亞級核動力導彈巡洋艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
加利福尼亚级的设计基于上一艘 特鲁斯顿号核动力导弹巡洋舰 (英语:USS Truxtun (CGN-35)) (DLGN-35),但舰长和排水量上更大一些,并改进了原来的D2G型壓水冷卻反應堆。
CGN 35 Truxtun - Navy Ships
CGN 35 Truxtun - Navy ShipsCGN 35 Truxtun