Community Health Workers - ASTHO
ASTHO supports community health workers (CHWs) and champions the valuable role they play in public health. ASTHO provides state and territorial health agencies with resources on how to integrate CHWs in their public health practice, as well as build an infrastructure for CHW workforce development, such as exploring financing options and certifica
State Approaches to Community Health Worker Certification
2024年3月19日 · At its core, certification is a declaration by an issuing authority that a CHW has met a standard set of qualifications (e.g., skills, education, or training). Each state that has developed a CHW certification program, however, has taken its own approach to setting requirements for certification and determining how to administer the program.
The Florida CHW coalition began through a grant by the Florida Department of Health •(grant supported a taskforce to explore research, models, curriculum, and practices for CHW workforce development). There are five subgroups, including one on curriculum development, which is chairs by a • The curriculum subgroup established core
The NM CHW Advisory Council, whose membership includes CHWs was established in 2003 to advise NMDOH on statewide training and certification. New Hampshire: CHW Coalition started Jan. 2015; now receives NH DPHS (CDC) funding. NH DHHS supports CHW Leadership. NH has held four biennial CHW Summits. Kentucky: The Kentucky Association of Community ...
served by a CHW, or $851,410 by every CHW that serves at least 69 individuals per year. East Texas ROI From Employment of CHWs in Two Hospitals Working with Emergency Department Patients There was an ROI ranging from 3:1 to over 15:1. Denver Health Community Voices Program Piloted a CHW Outreach Program for 590 Men
Why Kentucky Chose to Pursue Community Health Worker …
2023年6月13日 · In 2014, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) dedicated part-time staff to form a CHW Advisory Workgroup, which established three sub-committees (Certification, Curriculum, and Evaluation) that met monthly to draft a state CHW certification manual, core competencies, and a code of ethics.
Promoting Sustainable Financing of Community Health Worker …
2024年7月26日 · CHW Training and Certification. Design and refine CHW training and certification programs to align with financing opportunities. States vary in how they structure and administer CHW training and certification programs, though S/THAs serve as program administrators in many states. Although there is no federal requirement for CHWs to be …
States Continue Efforts to Build and Strengthen Community Health ...
2022年4月6日 · These opportunities could allow states to create CHW positions, develop standardized or specialized CHW training programs, or support statewide or local CHW coalitions, among other activities. Investments in the CHW workforce can provide impactful improvements in health outcomes and equity. Large-scale investments are being made in CHW ...
Leveraging Medicaid to Support Community Health Workers
2024年7月5日 · Update specialized trainings to align with new opportunities for CHW workforce development through HRSN infrastructure funds in new HRSN-related 1115 waivers. Create a roster of active CHWs, community-based CHW employers, and national and local CHW associations to help Medicaid agencies plan engagement efforts and build key partnerships …
Why Louisiana Doesn’t Certify Community Health Workers
2023年5月10日 · However, the Louisiana CHW Workforce Coalition developed an optional application process for organizations interested in having their CHW core competency training programs certified. Members of this coalition review the organizations’ applications, which describe the program structure and curriculum, and then conduct a site visit (in-person ...