Explore CIA Headquarters - CIA - The World Factbook
Located in Langley, Virginia, CIA Headquarters includes the Original Headquarters Building, the New Headquarters Building, and the Grounds. Since 1961, this secure campus has been …
New Headquarters Building - CIA - The World Factbook
The New Headquarters Building is linked to the OHB building in a seamless blend of the two structures. The main entrance to NHB is on the fourth floor. Inside the entrance, one is greeted …
The World of the CIA - The World Factbook
A portfolio of photos showing the George Bush Center for Intelligence and its environs (aka CIA headquarters), the home of The World Factbook. To view more photos of the CIA compound, …
Courtyard - CIA - The World Factbook
It provides a pleasant transition from the modern, glass-enclosed New Headquarters Building to the traditional architecture of the Original Headquarters Building. With its broad grassy lawn, …
Headquarters Building Booklet - CIA - The World Factbook
CIA was originally headquartered in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington, D.C. Then-Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles wanted a more secure, secluded environment with a college …
Organization - CIA - The World Factbook
CIA is an independent agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) is nominated by the …
groundbreaking for the central intelligence agency headquarters building expansion by the president of the united states subject: groundbreaking for the central intelligence agency …
Search Query for FOIA ERR: -A A + AA A + A
Approved For Rele -002000100010034-9 Control, No. 4272 EIC-M- 117 3 October 1966 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 4 F 21, CIA …
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD IN ROOM 4 F 31, CIA HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 1400 HOURS, 30 JUNE 1965 Subject: ... Department of the Interior CIA CIA CIA CIA, Executive …