acting on his/her behalf, must file Form CA-1 within 30 days following the injury and provide medical evidence in support of disability within 10 days of submission of the CA-1.
Forms | U.S. Department of Labor
Submit forms online through the Employees' Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP). On the ECOMP site you can register for an account, initiate a claim, upload documents, submit forms, and access your case. OWCP's Federal Employees Program has made a variety of forms available online. These forms are only available in PDF format.
CA-1: Traumatic Injury Claim Form | Office of Human Resources
The CA-1 form is used if the employee has sustained a Traumatic Injury on the job. Traumatic Injury - A wound or other condition of the body caused by external force, including stress or strain.
Form CA-1 - U.S. Department of Labor
The CA-1 must be submitted to the EA within 30 days of the date of injury in order for the injured employee to be eligible for Continuation of Pay (COP). COP will be discussed in more detail further in the presentation.
CA-1 within thirty days of the injury, you are entitled to receive continuation of pay (COP) from your employing agency. COP is paid for up to 45 calendar days of disability, and is not charged against sick or annual leave. You may elect sick or annual leave if you wish, but compensation from OWCP may not be claimed during the 45 days of COP ...
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Filing Form CA-1, Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation. Use this form if you have sustained a traumatic injury on the job. A traumatic injury is a condition of the body caused by a specific event or incident, or series of events or incidents, within a single workday or shift.
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Filing a CA 1 - DOL
Click “File a CA‐1 or CA‐2” to proceed. If you filed an OSHA 301 form, information about the incident will be displayed. To file a CA‐1 to claim a traumatic injury, review the information and click “Select & Continue” under the CA‐1 heading.
CA-1 Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation To obtain this form go to http://www.dol.gov/owcp/regs/compliance/ca-1.pdf
How to File a Form - DOL
If you wish to file a claim under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA), you can file a claim using Form CA-1 (Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation) or Form CA-2 (Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation).
An Employee's Guide on Reporting A Work-Related Injury Or …
2020年11月19日 · Traumatic Injury (Form CA-1): If the condition happened in the course of one work shift, the condition is an injury. Examples: cut finger; tripped and fell; hit by forklift, etc. Sometimes the reported condition may not seem like an injury, such as …