CD97 - Wikipedia
CD97 expression in cancer was first reported for dedifferentiated thyroid carcinoma and their lymph node metastases. [39] CD97 is expressed on many types of tumors including thyroid, gastric, pancreatic, esophageal, colorectal, and oral squamous carcinomas as well as glioblastoma and glioblastoma-initiating cells.
Science:揭示CD97协助脾脏树突细胞cDC2定位在血流附近对抗病 …
2022年2月20日 · CD97信号使cDC2在组织-血液界面上定位,这个位置可以优化抗原捕获,并能对全身性病原体作出非常快速的免疫反应。 CD97在免疫系统和其他组织(包括一些 肿瘤 和发炎组织)中广泛表达,并可能允许其他类型的细胞在流体流动的条件下根据与CD55阳性细胞的相互作用来感知它们的位置。 (生物谷 Bioon.com) Dan Liu et al. CD97 promotes spleen dendritic cell homeostasis through the mechanosensing of red blood cells. Science, 2022, …
2024年1月15日 · CD97,也被称为ADGRE5,是第一个克隆的人类aGPCR,属于表皮生长因子 (EGF)七跨膜aGPCR家族 (现称为ADGRE家族)。 作为一种原型aGPCR, CD97在N端由3 - 5个EGF样结构域组成,负责配体结合 (CD55等)和细胞粘附相互作用;保守的GAIN结构域对自催化裂解过程至关重要;以及介导下游效应物偶联 (G12 /13蛋白)和信号传导的7跨膜结构域 (TMD)。 值得注意的是,CD97在免疫系统中高度表达,在炎症反应和细胞稳态中起关键调节作用,也与各 …
Structural basis of CD97 activation and G-protein coupling - Cell …
CD97 (ADGRE5) is an adhesion G protein-coupled receptor (aGPCR) which plays crucial roles in immune system and cancer. However, the mechanism of CD97 activation and the determinant of G 13 coupling selectivity remain unknown. Here, we present the cryo-electron microscopy structures of human CD97 in complex with G 13, G q, and G s. Our ...
CD55和CD97:癌症治疗研究新兴靶点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年7月13日 · cd55和cd97重组蛋白是免疫学中研究配体相互作用、功能特性和发现潜在治疗靶点的重要工具。 Izuhara及其同事使用人CD55重组蛋白进行实验,以确认其对猫抗CD55抗体的特异性。
Structural characterization of mouse CD97 and study of its specific ...
CD97 is a leucocyte antigen originally recognized on activated human lymphocyte. 1, 2 Activation of lymphocytes by a variety of stimuli rapidly induces the surface expression of CD97. 1, 2 This up-regulation apparently results from a redistribution of preformed CD97 protein as well as from increased mRNA synthesis at the transcriptional level ...
CD97 promotes spleen dendritic cell homeostasis through the ...
CD97 signaling allows cDC2s to position at the tissue-blood interface, a location that optimizes antigen capture and enables very rapid immune responses to systemic pathogens.
CD97 maintains tumorigenicity of glioblastoma stem cells via …
2024年12月4日 · Here, we identify cluster of differentiation 97 (CD97) as an optimal GSC surface antigen for potential targeting by chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy through in vitro antibody screening. CD97 is consistently expressed in all validated patient-derived GSCs and positively correlated with known intracellular GSC markers.
何元政课题组揭示粘附类受体CD97/G蛋白复合物的冷冻电镜结构 …
Differential expression of CD97 on human lymphocyte subsets ... - PubMed
2009年4月27日 · CD97 is a large heptahelical EGF-TM7 receptor broadly expressed on hematopoietic cells as three isoforms with respectively three, four, or five epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains. We here describe the expression characteristics of CD97 on human lymphocyte subsets.