Temperature-dependent sex determination - Wikipedia
They found that hatching temperatures that naturally produce each sex maximized fitness of each sex, which provides the substantial empirical evidence in support of the Charnov & Bull model for reptiles.
The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in ...
2008年1月20日 · Our results provide unequivocal empirical support for the Charnov–Bull model for the adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in amniote vertebrates.
"The Adaptive Significance of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination ...
2013年10月7日 · The Charnov-Bull model, proposed by Eric Charnov and James Bull in 1977, described the evolution of TSD, although the model was, for many years, untested. Many reptiles and some fish exhibit non-genetic sex determination, in which an embryos' environment can influence the sex of the adult organism.
Charnov-Bull model | Embryo Project Encyclopedia
The Charnov-Bull model, proposed by Eric Charnov and James Bull in 1977, described the evolution of TSD, although the model was, for many years, untested. Many reptiles and some fish exhibit non-genetic sex determination, in which an embryos' environment can influence the sex of the adult organism.
The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex
The Charnov-Bull model suggests that temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) can enhance maternal fitness relative to genotypic sex determination (GSD) if offspring traits affect fitness differently for sons versus daughters and nest temperatures either determine or predict those offspring traits.
(PDF) A simple explanation for the evolution and maintenance of ...
2020年1月1日 · The Charnov-Bull model stipulates that environmental sex determination (ESD) is favoured when fitness of the sexes responds differently to the environment.
the Charnov-Bull model, sex ratio adjustment is selected first, and consequently, a mechanism allowing such adjust-ment is favored (Bull 1983). The Charnov-Bull model is the most theoretically ro-bust of the adaptive hypotheses, and has empirical support for some ESD invertebrates(e.g., Blackmore and Charnov
The Charnov-Bull model suggests that temperature-dependent sex deter-mination (TSD) can enhance maternal fitness relative to genotypic sex determination (GSD) if offspring traits affect fitness differently for sons versus daughters and nest temperatures either determine or predict those offspring traits.
The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex
2008年1月31日 · Our results provide unequivocal empirical support for the Charnov-Bull model for the adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in amniote vertebrates. Understanding the mechanisms that determine an individual's sex remains a primary challenge for evolutionary biology.
Evolution - Wiley Online Library
2007年5月9日 · The Charnov-Bull model suggests that temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) can enhance maternal fitness relative to genotypic sex determination (GSD) if offspring traits affect fitness differently for sons versus daughters and nest temperatures either determine or predict those offspring traits.