Chirox - BIONICLEsector01
2024年12月3日 · Chirox was the skilled Makuta of the region including Keetongu's Island and Visorak, and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Over 100,000 years ago, Chirox was brought into being by the Great Spirit Mata Nui [3] from a substance known as Antidermis. [4] .
Chirox - The BIONICLE Wiki
Chirox was a Makuta, one of seven who invaded Karda Nui. Chirox was created by Mata Nui on one of the Southern Islands. He was created with the purpose of creating Rahi to inhabit the Matoran Universe. In his early years, Chirox spent most of his time creating Rahi with Mutran.
Chirox | Custom BIONICLE Wiki - Fandom
Chirox was a Makuta and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, known for presiding over the island of Visorak and creating the Visorak species. Chirox was created by Mata Nui alongside the other Makuta from a greenish-black liquid on an island in …
CHIROX - Chytrá dezinfekce
Co je CHIROX? Složení a účinek Návod k použití CHIROX a životní prostředí
Chirox - Villains Wiki
Chirox is a major antagonists in the BIONICLE series, serving as one of the four secondary antagonists (alongside Vamprah, Gorast and Bitil) in the Karda Nui arc. He was also the Makuta of Keetongu's island and Visorak and was also one of the scientists that served as members of the Brotherhood...
Chirox - The Great Archives
Chirox was one of the Brotherhood of Makuta's top scientists. He was known for creating monstrous Rahi. He wore the Kanohi Shelek, the Mask of Silence, which temporarily robbed enemies of the ability to speak or hear.
CHIROX - Chytrá dezinfekce
What is CHIROX? Composition and efficiency Instruction for use CHIROX and the environment. Where can you buy CHIROX? .. what animal you have at home? News and updates ..
CHIROX je špičkový práškový dezinfekční přípravek s mycími účinky na bázi moderního aktivního kyslíku. Jedná se o univerzální dezinfekci pro nejširší oblast použití s vysokou účinností a výhodnými uživatelskými vlastnostmi. Přípravek neobsahuje chlór.
8693 Chirox | Brickipedia - Fandom
8693 Chirox is a BIONICLE set released in January 2008. It contains Chirox, a black Makuta with wings, a Tridax Pod, and the Kanohi Shelek, the Mask of Silence. This model can combine with 8949 Kirop.
LEGO 8693 Chirox Instructions and Parts List - toysperiod.com
Instructions and parts list for LEGO 8693 Chirox at ToysPeriod's LEGO Database.