Rutin therapy for ideopathic chylothorax | TheCatSite
2011年3月9日 · Hi, After ruling out causes such as feline virus, heart disease, cancer etc, our beloved cat has been diagnosed with ideopathic chylothorax. Its been 3 weeks now and his thorax has been drained twice and 5 days ago he was placed on rutin therapy and a low fat diet. The asthma like attacks he...
Feline Chylothorax | TheCatSite
2001年3月2日 · Sorry to hear about your friends cat. Chylothorax is fluid build up in the pleural space. It is found more in siamese and himalayin cats. It is an uncommon disorder caused by trauma to the chest or increased pressure to the pleural duct or veins. Symptom is labored breathing. I have never encountered it in my cats.
Chylothorax and rutin question | TheCatSite
2006年4月17日 · In addition, a cat with idiopathic chylothorax really should not be left alone at all for any extended length of time.The cat should be boarded at a 24 hour vet hospital, or at the very least, have a skilled pet sitter come in three times a day.
Cat Cancer, Chylothorax | TheCatSite
2019年8月8日 · I brought my healthy 9 yr old cat into the vet for labored breathing a couple of days ago. X-rays done, showed she had pleural effusion. Thoracentesis was done (basically they tap the chest cavity and withdraw the fluid).
Chylothorax after surgery | TheCatSite
2022年7月4日 · My little cat is fighting hard (still doing his walk in the garden, still playing if stimulated, still eating) and except from chylothorax, he has recovered well from the pericardiectomy. I know that in the long run, he is condemned by his heart tumor and we do not think that we will put him under surgery again.
Idiopathic Chylothorax & Rutin | TheCatSite
2010年2月21日 · My 13yr old very healthy female cat named Tigger was recently diagnosed with Idiopathic Chylothorax. Chest x-rays showed that there could be a mass so I took her 2hrs to a vet specialist to have an ultrasound done. Nothing was found. It was suggested that their vet perform a Pericardiectomy on...
My Kitty Has Been Diagnosed With Idiopathic Chylothorax
2017年7月18日 · My rb kitty Mitzi was diagnosed with idiopathic chylothorax at the age of 4. My heart goes out to you and your sweet baby. There is a fb group ChylothoraxCats that is active sporadically and has lots of information but having to search through all …
Ideopathic chylothorax diagnosis | TheCatSite
2022年11月21日 · My cat has been breathing heavily lately so I took him to an emergency vet yesterday to find out he has chylothorax and the vet recommended euthanasia. I was absolutely devastated, he's only 5 years old and has always been healthy and happy so to hear that news was shocking. I begged for...
New here--sick cat with pyothorax or chylothorax | TheCatSite
2011年7月12日 · He once again drained 150ml when we took her today. The vet said the fluid should have lessened more than that, and now suspects chylothorax. He sent samples of the fluid off to a lab for testing, but we won't know anything until Friday or so. Pyothorax sounds like a grim enough diagnosis, but chylothorax sounds even worse.
My cat was just diagnosed with Chylothorax | TheCatSite
2015年10月4日 · My 13 year old grey and white short hair male cat was just diagnosed today with Chylothorax. We're still waiting for some tests to come back, however the initial thoughts from the team that treated him last night and today are that we're …