Cn3D Home Page - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Cn3D ("see in 3D") is a helper application for your web browser that allows you to view 3-dimensional structures from NCBI's Entrez Structure database. Cn3D is provided for Windows. While versions for Macintosh, and Unix have been available in the past, we can no longer support these platforms. The current version of Cn3D is expected to be the ...
Cn3D Windows Install - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Download the Cn3D 4.3.1 installer here: https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/cn3d/Cn3D-4.3.1_setup.exe Close all internet browsers and then double-click on the .exe file. The installer should …
Cn3D Structure Viewer Install - National Center for Biotechnology ...
To test whether your configuration is working after installing Cn3D, click on the image below, which should launch Cn3D 4.3.1 and should show a structure and viewpoint very like what's shown in this image:
CN3D for Win 3D分子结构观察软件 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这是CN3D(观察NCBI Entrez数据库的立体蛋白序列),允许你在线作为客户端可视并交互地观察NCBI Entrez数据库的立体蛋白序列,也可用来离线观察蛋白序列与序列排序。
Cn3D - Wikipedia
Cn3D is a Windows, Macintosh and Unix-based software from the United States National Library of Medicine that acts as a helper application for web browsers to view three-dimensional structures from The National Center for Biotechnology Information's Entrez retrieval service. [1]
Cn3D_4.1中文使用手册 - 百度文库
Cn3D 可以通过基于结构的 序列比较来显示生物分子结构之间的比较,从而了解相关蛋白的那一个结构域在 结构与序列上表现得更为保守。同时,可以自定义标签的特性,高品质的OpenGL 的画质,还有多样的文件输出格式,都使得 Cn3D 成为文献注释的强大工具。
Cn3D FAQ - National Institutes of Health
Cn3D reads only data files from the MMDB database, not PDB formatted records. MMDB is derived from the PDB database, but is corrected for naming-problems, performs domain-splitting, assigns consistent secondary structures, adds complete bonding information, and finally makes protein sequences corresponding exactly to the residues that appear in ...
Cn3D 4.1 Windows Install - National Institutes of Health
includes features that became available in Cn3D 4.3, such as the ability to view biologically functional units that have been identified in 3D structures, crystallographic symmetry, stereo views, new alignment algorithms, new highlighting features, more robust handling of sequence identifiers, and communication with CDTree.
CN3D 4.3.1 观察NCBI Entrez数据库的立体蛋白序列 ... - biosoft
Cn3D is a helper application for your web browser that allows you to view 3-dimensional structures from NCBI's Entrez retrieval service. Cn3D runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Unix. Cn3D simultaneously displays structure, sequence, and alignment, and now has powerful annotation and alignment editing features.
Welcome to the Cn3D Tutorial! - National Center for …
What does Cn3D do? Downloading and installing Cn3D; Document conventions; Literature references; Retrieving individual structures (MMDB) From an Entrez literature search; From an Entrez sequence neighbor; From a BLAST search; From a known PDB identifier; Viewing individual structures in Cn3D; Basics of Cn3D controls
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