Methylamine - Wikipedia
Methylamine, also known as methanamine, is an organic compound with a formula of CH3NH2. This colorless gas is a derivative of ammonia, but with one hydrogen atom being replaced by a …
(111C)methanamine | CH5N | CID 450541 - PubChem
2005年3月27日 · (111C)methanamine | CH5N | CID 450541 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, …
真的存在烷基八氮这种分子吗? - 知乎
存在是肯定存在的,理论上来说肯定可以合出来,地球上没天然的可能外星有。 之前南京大学有人合成了全氮阴离子盐,差不多就是 五氮杂茂,是刊登在炸药化学上的。 稳定不稳定不影响其 …
烷氮 | 锑星百科 | Fandom
烷氮,化学式CNH 5, 有机物。 由一个氨基和一个甲基通过 魔键 连接,与 氨烯 是同分异构体(氨烯中没有魔键,取而代之的是碳-氮共价键)。 无色无味气体,有毒,易燃烧。 社区内容 …
Structure of METHYLAMINE (CH5N) - Mol-Instincts
What’s the InChIKey code of METHYLAMINE? METHYLAMINE contains total 6 bond (s); 1 non-H bond (s) and 1 primary amine (s) (aliphatic). Learn more about chemical structure at Mol …
methylamine | CH5N - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for methylamine, 74-89-5, Methanamine, BAVYZALUXZFZLV-UHFFFAOYSA-N
Significantly enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen generation …
2018年1月15日 · The highest photocatalytic ability is achieved for CNH5 (707.58 μmol·h −1 ·g −1), the average evolution rate of H 2 is 7.5 times higher than that of pristine g-C 3 N 4. Its …
CNH5 molar mass - WebQC
要计算化合物的摩尔质量,请输入其公式并单击“计算”。 在化学式中,你可以使用: 任何化学元素. 元素符号首字母大写,其余小写。 Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, S, O, H, C, N, Na, K, Cl, Al. 括号 () 或方括 …
Cnh5 | Article about Cnh5 by The Free Dictionary
Find out information about Cnh5. CH3NH2 A colorless gas that is highly toxic and flammable; used to prepare dyes, and as a chemical intermediate. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific &...
HCN + H2 = CNH5 - Chemical Equation Balancer
HCN + H2 = CNH5 is a Synthesis reaction where one mole of Hydrogen Cyanide [HCN] and two moles of Dihydrogen [H 2] combine to form one mole of Methylamine [CNH 5]