CQ-WE stands for CQ – Western Electric, the company whose ham employees originated the contest. The annual CQ-WE Contest is open to all Radio Amateurs. The objective is to contact as many Bell System Radio Amateurs as possible via ham radio.
CQWE Contest Information - CRES-ARC
It’s easy to join in on the fun of the annual CQ-WE contest. First, you need to become acquainted with the Rules of the contest. Next, you need to determine which Location Code you should operate under. Then you need to download and setup one of the accepted CQ-WE Logging Programs. Paper logs will also be accepted for 20 contacts or less.
CQWE Contest Rules - CRES-ARC
2025年2月8日 · The Annual CQ-WE (Western Electric) Contest is open to all Radio Amateurs.
重庆文理学院 - cqwu.edu.cn
重庆文理学院是重庆市人民政府主办的全日制普通本科高等学校,是全国脱贫攻坚先进集体、首批教育部依法治校示范校、全国教育网络示范单位、国家级语言文字规范化示范校、全国校园文化先进单位、重庆市园林式单位,是重庆市高水平新工科建设高校,首批国家级创新创业学院建设单位。 2021年学校获批硕士学位授予单位。...
按:受CQWW 竞赛委员会主任Randy Thompson, K5ZD 委托,将2016 CQWW 比赛规则翻译成中文。如有疑义,均以CQWW 官网公布的英文版比赛规则为准。
WA7BNM Contest Calendar: Contest Details
WA7BNM Contest Calendar provides detailed information on various radio contests, including modes, bands, classes, and participation guidelines.
CQ World Wide DX Contest - Home
CQ WW RTTY contest, held the last full weekend of September each year, is the world's most popular digital mode contest. While it has many similarities, there are different scoring and …
Welcome to the official web site of CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest. Held each year on the last full weekend of September, the contest draws over 15,000 participants and over 3,600 log …
CQ 160 - Home
This is the official web site of CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest. The contest consists of two separate events. The CW mode is held the last full weekend of January. The Phone mode is …