They are found throughout South Africa, mostly in mountainous areas, gorges and cliffs, while foraging may take place in more open country. Both species mate for life. The nests are bulky …
The pied crow (Corvus albus) is a widely distributed African bird species in the crow genus of the family Corvidae. Structurally, the pied crow is better thought of as a small crow-sized raven, …
The blue crane is the national bird of South Africa. South Africa is a large country, ranked 25th by size in the world, and is situated in the temperate latitudes and subtropics. Due to a range of …
The pied crow is found throughout South Africa. Occurring in most habitats, but not in the very arid regions of the southern Kalahari and the Karoo. The pied crow is rarely seen far from …
Occurs across sub-Saharan Africa, absent only from areas of Somalia and Ethiopia, as well as much of eastern Botswana, the Northern Cape and western Namibia. It has become prolific, …
Crows in South Africa. This review is intended to inform BirdLife South Africa’s position on and future involvement in the management of this issue. There is a wealth of published research …
The Pied Crow has a widespread distribution and is found in most of sub-Saharan Africa. The Pied Crow has adapted well to human settlements and is a common sight around towns and …
South Africa Online ® provides informative, educational content on many South African bird species that ornithologists and bird-watchers would enjoy. Find out all about the birds of South …
I admire crows, especially their intelligence, their almost unsur-passed adaptability and their steadfast tenacity. During recent years, there have been changes in the distribution and …
irdLife South Africa recognises the potential threat of an increasing number of Pied Crows and other corvid species on indigenous fauna and livestock. In acknowledging these potential …