2月26日,加拿大皇家科学院院士、首席科学家菲利普·梵·卡佩伦(Philippe Van Cappellen)教授和加拿大滑铁卢大学理学院院长克里斯·豪泽(Chris Houser)教授来校访问,双方举行合作会谈。 中国科学院院士王焰新,副校长章军锋,环境学院、本科生院、国际合... 我校召开纪委全会暨“纪检监察工作规范化法治化正规化建设年”行动... 地大新闻网讯 (通讯员...
数字校园统一身份认证系统 - CUG
初始密码为身份证号后六位 (如包含字母x为小写)或者学号/工号。 360浏览器请使用极速模式 (如何使用?)
实施“地质锤、罗盘、放大镜、草帽”一体化育人工程,完善通识教育体系,实现价值引领、知识传授与能力培养有机结合,培养胸怀祖国、放眼世界、脚踏实地、仰望星空的新时代地大学子。 学校始终坚持“品德优良、基础厚实、知识广博、专业精深”的高素质创新型人才培养目标,培养既能仰望星空、又能脚踏实地,既富科学思维、又有人文素质,既具健全人格、又承担社会责任的合格人 …
Central University of Gujarat (CUG)
Established by Parliament of India through the Central Universities Act (2009), Central University of Gujarat (CUG) considers its main objectives to be dissemination and advancement of knowledge creation and sharing.
Home-China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Teachers from more than 40 universities gathered in CUGB to discuss the development and growth of teachers From April 8th to 9th, the eighth project quarterly meeting sponsored by the Sustainable...
Facile one step synthesis of Cu-g-C - ScienceDirect
2020年1月15日 · In this work, a simple one-step pyrolysis process was used for the synthesis of copper doped graphitic carbon nitride (Cu-g-C3 N 4) as electrocatalyst. The as-synthesized Cu-g-C 3 N 4 material is displaying excellent electrocatalytic response towards …
Utilizing 2D layered structure Cu-g-C - ScienceDirect
2024年4月15日 · Doping of copper atoms in the layered structure of g-C 3 N 4 significantly increases the electrocatalytic activity by creating additional active sites and expediting the redox kinetics of LiPSs for simultaneous S reduction as well as Li 2 S oxidation.
Cu(g) molar mass - Chemical Portal
The molar mass of carbon dioxide is 12.01 + (2 × 16.00) = 44.01 g/mol. Lesson on computing molar mass
Cu2+ coordinated graphitic carbon nitride (Cu-g-C3N4) …
2017年3月15日 · Copper modified graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (Cu-g-C 3 N 4) was synthesized and used in the hydroxylation of benzene under mild conditions with hydrogen peroxide as a “green” oxidant. The presence of copper ions (Cu 2+) was confirmed from the XPS, EDX and also the hydrogen TPR analyses.
Size Effect of Cu Nanoparticles in Cu/g-C3N4 Composites on …
2023年11月8日 · Copper nanoparticle (Cu NP) size in Cu/g-C 3 N 4 can be easily controlled by adjusting the synthesis temperature. The Cu/g-C 3 N 4 material with the proper size of Cu NP (CuCN-100) had the best photocatalytic property (675 μmol·g –1 ·h –1) in reducing the amount of CO 2 to methanol at room temperature under normal pressure. The particle ...