Deep sequencing of Cotesia vestalis bracovirus reveals the complexity ...
2011年5月25日 · Here we completed the whole genome sequence of Cotesia vestalis bracovirus (CvBV) by deep sequencing and compared the genome features of CvBV to those of other polydnaviruses (PDVs). The genome is 540,215 base pairs divided into 35 genomic segments that range from 2.6 to 39.2 kb.
Bracoviruses recruit host integrases for their integration into ...
2021年9月7日 · Here, we find that Cotesia vestalis bracovirus (CvBV), a polydnavirus of the parasitic wasp C. vestalis (Haliday), integrates its DNA circles into host Plutella xylostella (L.) genome by two distinct strategies, conservatively and randomly, through high-throughput sequencing analysis.
Symbiotic bracovirus of a parasite manipulates host lipid …
2021年3月1日 · Specifically, a C. vestalis bracovirus (CvBV) gene, CvBV 9–2, is responsible for the induction of PxTK, which in turn suppresses lipogenesis in the midgut of the parasitized host, leading to a nutritional lipid level suitable for the development and subsequent parasitic efficiency of C. vestalis wasps.
A new gene family (BAPs) of Cotesia bracovirus induces ... - PubMed
Here, we provided evidence that, during the early stages of parasitism, the activated Cotesia vestalis bracovirus (CvBV) reduced the overall number of host haemocytes by inducing apoptosis. We found that one haemocyte-highly expressed CvBV …
Characterization of a novel Cotesia vestalis polydnavirus (CvBV) …
2008年8月31日 · Cotesia vestalis is an endoparasitoid of Plutella xylostella larvae and injects a polydnavirus (CvBV) into its host during oviposition. In this report we characterize the gene, CvBV3307, and its products.
Characterization of a novel gene encoding ankyrin repeat domain from ...
2008年6月5日 · Cotesia vestalis (Haliday) is an endoparasitoid of Plutella xylostella (L.) larvae and injects a polydnavirus (CvBV) into its host during oviposition. In this report we describe the characterization of a gene (CvBV805) and its products.
Cell Host & Microbe丨夏宁邵团队报道柯萨奇病毒-腺病毒受体结合 …
2021年2月10日 · 柯萨奇B组病毒(CVB) 是可导致多种严重疾病的肠道病毒病原体,可通过粪口等途径传播,传染性强,可感染婴幼儿、青少年及成年人,在全球存在广泛流行。 CVB有6种血清型 (CVB1~6),均可引发重要疾病,包括发热、手足口病、腹泻、脑炎、脑膜炎、心肌炎、胰腺炎、急性弛缓性麻痹等,甚至死亡。 研究发现,CVB感染与近年来发病率不断上升的病毒性胰腺炎、病毒性心肌炎存在密切联系,是导致I型糖尿病和青少年心源性致死的主因之一,具有严重 …
Online Banking Community Valley Bank - Your CVB
Community Valley Bank provides customer support for E-Banking services in-branch, via telephone, via in-app email messaging and for Bill Pay via Chat session provided by iPay.
新生儿柯萨奇病毒B感染 - 百度百科
柯萨奇病毒B组用中和试验和补体结合试验测定抗原可分为6型(CVB1~6),据近年报道以CVB3、CVB5型感染对新生儿危害最大,发生率也最高。 新生儿柯萨奇病毒感染的潜伏期可有很大差异,一般在生后7~14天。 经宫内垂直感染者多在生后5天内发病,生后感染者多在5天后发病。 潜伏期长短也与不同血清型、新生儿个体因素(胎龄、日龄、免疫状况等)有关。 轻型新生儿CVB感染可无明显临床表现,而严重者可侵犯多脏器系统,甚而致死。 CVB的不同血清型感 …
Symbiotic bracovirus of a parasite manipulates host lipid …
Specifically, a C. vestalis bracovirus (CvBV) gene, CvBV 9–2, is responsible for the induction of PxTK, which in turn suppresses lipogenesis in the midgut of the parasitized host, leading to a nutritional lipid level suitable for the development and subsequent parasitic efficiency of …