D5NS vs D5W? | Student Doctor Network
2009年7月9日 · Clinically, the difference is that D5W adds hypotonic fluid to the intravascular space while D5NS adds isotonic fluid. If you've ever heard the Goljan lectures, he says that the only reason we give D5W is because the hospital can't charge 35 dollars for a bag of plain W.
logic in selecting IV fluids? | Student Doctor Network
2007年7月29日 · D5NS: ? LR: *I'ved also seen some patients have KCl added to NS. Why's this? Rate: 500 cc bolus: hypotensive 125 cc/hr: typical value for starting IVF when admitting patient. How long shoulod you keep it at 125 cc vs 75 cc? If they're NPO for extended amount of time? 75 cc/hr: when? maintenance rate? good rate for NPO after midnight?
d5 1/2 NS | Student Doctor Network
2012年7月21日 · I have been reading in multiple places that D5 1/2 NS is a isotonic fluid and is used as a maintenance fluid??? How is this possible when it is a hypertonic solution, wouldn't that make the patient dehydrated?? I spent a while looking this up and found quite a …
IVF question | Student Doctor Network
2018年1月24日 · And furthermore, 3 times as many in the d5NS group (15 vs 5) were admitted based on family request, which would have doubled the difference between groups and likely showed statistical differences. They did this study because of a retrospective analysis showing a benefit to giving IV dextrose.
Pharmacy Dosage Simple Calculations- Please Need Help Now to …
2011年7月12日 · Questions 1. What does D5 1/2 NS mean? I know that 5 % dextrose is 5 g/100 ml right? so 1/2 NS does that imply 77 meq/ 1000 ml NaCl concentration? What if it is 1/4 NS 500 ml... What is the concentration the of Na Cl then Questions 2. Sodium Chloride comes in a concentration of 4 mEq/ml. How...
sodium bicarbonate infusion in NS | Student Doctor Network
2013年1月17日 · Do not give NS with bicarb. ODS is no bueno for happy neurons. You are essentially giving hot salt. D5 with 3 amps or 1/2NS with 2 amps if there CVP is in the toilet and you need volume in addition to correction of acidosis (the later is around 177 Meq, not a ton more than isotonic NS)
Do you allow Heparin to be mixed in different base fluids?
2014年1月18日 · We typically don't mix Heparin for infusion. And with the Joint Commission Elements of Performance and CMS medication management recommendations of "single" concentration in stock, we only stock 25,000 units/500mL in D5W which is commercially available.
Why D5w Is Bad For Patients With Brain Injury?
2008年1月12日 · Can someone explain why D5W is bad for patients with brain injury? Pharmacist in my hospital told me that. I thought D5W is hypertonic because of the sugar, therefore it should be drawing fluids from the brain - supposedly a beneficial thing for patients with brain swelling.
DKA in anuric ESRD | Student Doctor Network
2005年3月24日 · My question is on recs for starting fluids given concern for volume overload. We went with D5NS@50/hr with the insulin drip, and despite this, her Na went down. For something like this, would it be better to go with like a higher dextrose percent at a slower rate or what? Where is the extra fluid coming from to dilute the serum?
PharmacyTechnician Certification exam math questions
2015年2月26日 · 2. An IV has been ordered to run for 4 hours at 10gtt/min with a drop factor of 20gtt/mL. The solution in the bag is 750mg of active drug disolved in .5L of D5NS. How many mg of active drug will the patient receive in 2 hours? Answer: 90mg 3. An IV infusion has been ordered for a patient of 1L of .5% active drug in D5W/10 hours.