Dark Age of Camelot Official Forums
Video forum for sharing and discussing DAoC videos and player streams! 407. 2.6K. Morthude Max - Solo ...
Fastest way to farm BPs?? - DAoC Official Forums
Molds aren't tradeable so you'd have to essentially have enough bps on a character to craft the item on. So you'd usually buy a scroll in housing i.e. [Curse] recipe and then craft it on your character.
New Caps - DAoC Official Forums
Daoc excidio is a good site for templating Wb . Post edited by Amadeus on May 2020. Thrakonna. May 2020 PM ...
/switch - DAoC Official Forums
It’s a command for switching the item feomnyour inventory to your active slots. Example: /switch offhand 1 ...
Midgard Melee - DAoC Official Forums
2024年10月2日 · Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
General Board - DAoC Official Forums
For general discussion covering all DAoC topics. Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
Names of the new items? - DAoC Official Forums
2023年1月4日 · Icewind - Bow Anvil of Ice - 1-handed Hammer Wintertime - Mauler Staff Frost - 2-handed Sword Snowlight - Caster Staff
DAoC Custom User Interface (FREE) - DAoC Official Forums
2023年7月3日 · KotRT - DAoC Custom_UI [EC v8.1.28 x.xx] 01-06-2023 Made changes to the default MiniPet Window. (Made it slightly larger and updated its layout) Optimized .xml code (removed a few errors that exist from the default atlantis ui code) I am also currently working on a New Compact Version of the UI Slimed down version.
Midwinter Festival Returns - DAoC Official Forums
including the long lost DAoC round table housing decoration! Various Potions including a new Cauldron of Restoration, Midwinter Effusion of Comprehension, and Midwinter Effusion of Omnipotence; Midwinter themed MTX items; Great-Wolf, Great-Wolf, and Great-Elk mounts own realm only; Random Anniversary and Midwinter reward
Why exactly are the catacombs sealed off? - DAoC Official Forums
DAoC has potential, and as we can see it's achievable to build up playerbase, or make people return, but if DAoC live comes to an end, that won't be because of Catacombs was sealed. We have to aim discussions toward making the game healthy, and appealing for players to return right now, and I really wish we can come back to Catacombs issue later.