DMU 50 3rd Generation - DMG MORI
Most compact and cost effective pallet automation system from DMG MORI; Small space requirement of only 2.7 m2 (1.6 × 1.7 m) 3 CNC axes for high flexibility and precision; Modular …
第三代DMU 50 - DMG MORI China
每一台dmg mori机床都可通过标准自动化或定制自动化解决方案进行升级,确保灵活的制造系统: PH 50 来自DMG MORI的最紧凑、最经济的托盘自动化系统
DMU Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
DMU Series - 5-axis CNC milling machines and 5-axis CNC milling centers from DMG MORI
DMU 50c - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
新:在 2.0 版中可实现复杂的车削轮廓(目前仅适用于 dmu 50,其他机床类型将陆续推出)
DMU 50 第3代 | Products - DMG MORI
2021年6月3日 · The 3rd generation of the DMU 50 meets the needs of 5-axis machining of the future and is characterised by innovative mechanical engineering technology. The larger …
第三代DMU 50 - DMG MORI China
第三代DMU 50 堪称精品级的机械电子系统,自诞生之日起至今已达20年,也是DMG MORI产品家族中当之无愧的畅销机。 自去年闪亮登场后,2018年已安排800多台的生产计划。 加工区增 …
DMU 50 3rd Generation - DMG MORI
2018年5月10日 · The DMU 50 combines more than 20 years of experience, proven technology and low investment costs in the 5-axis portfolio of DMG MORI. On this basis and enhanced in …
德国德玛吉DMG经济型五轴立式加工中心DMU50-兰生数控机床 …
德国德马吉DMU50立式加工中心,原装进口,五轴联动,经济型,适用于汽车制造业加工照明灯模具、覆盖件模具;自行车业的挡泥板模具;塑料工业的瓶杯模具;手机生产模具;水下照相机 …
Dmg Mori Seiki DMU 50 GEN III: Features, Specs, and Price - CNC …
What is Dmg Mori Seiki DMU 50 GEN III? The DMU 50 GEN III is a 5-axis CNC machining center renowned for its precision and flexibility. It is employed in sectors such as aerospace, …
DMU Series - 5 Axis Milling - DMG MORI
DMU Series - 5 Axis CNC Milling Machines and 5 Axis CNC Milling Centers by DMG MORI