约 3 个结果

Why is damn a swear word while dang and darn aren't?
2019年2月25日 · Damn has religious connotations. It is wishing eternal suffering on someone (or, I suppose, something). Among people who consider casual blasphemy unacceptable, this is bad.
What does "goddamn" mean exactly? - English Language Learners …
2023年4月21日 · American English speakers often refer to the use of all kinds of offensive words as "cursing" (or 'cussing'). Actually, "God damn" is probably one of the few utterances that is …
meaning - "I don't give a rip!" What's a "rip"? - English Language ...
I would not use "I give a rip!". In my AmE dialect, "rip" has a sense of worthlessness that makes it not an exact synonym with "I give a damn!".