  1. 5 Ways to Deepen Our Faith to Make a Difference

    • In order for us to deepen our faith, we must first be willing to deepen our understanding. This is difficult for me, because I prefer to gain intellectual knowledge over understanding the depths of my heart… 展开

    Develop Deep Convictions

    To have deep faith means to have a deep conviction or belief that there are realities beyond what we can see – beyond our circumstances, our abilities and weaknesses, tra… 展开

    Deep Spirituality
    Uncover Deep Emotions

    Like this psalmist says, I often feel like I can’t express my emotions. I become so unaware of … 展开

    Deep Spirituality
    Cultivate Deep Relationships

    Growing up, the relationships I tended to build were based on convenience, having fun, encouraging each other to do whatever we wanted, and feeling no guilt about it. This was satisfyi… 展开

    Deep Spirituality
    Experience Deep Love

    The Bible says that love is an expression of our faith. I have a hard time seeing the importance of faith in order to have the kind of love I need to impact others. I work very hard at having th… 展开

    Deep Spirituality