在东北 你们那地方der 是啥意思褒义还是贬义? - 知乎
你知道个der=你知道个杰宝 . 啊!我要上医院啊!他一脚踹我der上了! 第二种用于除长春大庆以外的东北地区,是贬义形容词,骂人的话,一般用“der(了)喝的”“狗der”指这个人很二,很楞, …
What are the differences between .pem, .cer, and .der?
2014年3月30日 · The OpenSSL command line contains lots of options to convert between PEM and DER, print out high level certificate information or parse the ASN.1 to get a low level view …
openssl der files importing into java keystore - Stack Overflow
2019年12月16日 · convert your certificate in a DER format : openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.der import into the keystore. keytool -import -alias your-alias …
Convert Certificate in DER or PEM to pkcs12 - Stack Overflow
2019年5月21日 · openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.der -out certificate.pem. and many speak of. openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.p12 -inkey *** -in *** -inform der -certfile *** to …
How do I decode a DER encoded string in Java? - Stack Overflow
2010年3月9日 · I'm trying to read a custom extension from a digital certificate. I know the value is a GeneralString encoded in DER. Is there an easy way to correctly decode it and get a Java …
Simple DER Cert Parsing in python - Stack Overflow
2015年11月4日 · This can happen if you're trying to read a PEM-formatted certificate. The above code works with a DER-encoded one. (See here for more information on certificate formats.) …
Identifying whether a certificate is der encoded or base 64 encoded
2021年10月8日 · Informational since this got a search hit - All X.509 certs pretty much use Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) as the defacto encoding standard to store certificate data …
How to verify DER certificate with openssl? - Stack Overflow
2020年6月27日 · openssl x509 -inform der -in .\leaf.cert.cer -outform pem | openssl verify -CAfile CA/ca.crt This assumes that "leaf.cert.cer" is in DER format and "CA/ca.crt" is in PEM format. …
ssl - How to convert a DER file to a PEM file? - Stack Overflow
2021年12月3日 · After several attempts to convert the DER into PEM the OP provided the DER file in question. Base64 encoded it looks like this: …
德语der das die; ein eine einen 如何区分使用? - 知乎
der das die是定冠词,基本相当于英语的the,只不过der后面的名词是阳性,das后面是中性,die是修饰阴性的。 同理,ein eine是不定冠词,ein修饰阳性名词和中性名词,eine修饰阴 …