2 Meter Phantom/Disguise Antennas - Amateur 2 Meter Antennas
144-148 MHz Phantom Antenna, White. Gain (dB) 0 dB, Maximum Power 60(Watts), Whip Length 2.5"W x 5" L x 3.75" H Read More
Efficient 2 meter Disguise Antenna Made From a TV Satellite Dish
2010年10月28日 · Perfect for DMR hotspots and line of sight applications. A ton of bandwidth, not much interference and not crowded. HERE TO HELP YOU! 440 far from sucks! I guess it depends on what you mean by suck. If you are going to make a blanket statement like that at least back it up with why.
Hidden and stealth antennas - IW5EDI Simone - Ham-Radio
Build your own hidden stealth and secret antennas. Learn how to build, hide and operate indoor and outdoor Ham antennas without causing RFI problems. Some of these designs were taken from pirate operations and applied to legal radio.I do not condone pirate radio, but why not apply their hideing techniques with proven ham antenna designs and theory.
2 Meter Antenna Disguised as a TV Satellite Dish
2019年10月17日 · I’ve long wondered if it would be practical to hide an efficient 2 meter base-station antenna in a TV satellite dish. My homeowners covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R) committee couldn’t force me take it down.1 But would all the metal in the TV dish compromise a 2 meter antenna?
What is a good way to “disguise” your antenna to meet HOA ... - Reddit
2018年3月27日 · Perhaps the easiest to hide would be a vertical end fed antenna, which you can run up the trunk to the top. 53 feet of wire would be the minimum. Feed with 9:1 UNUN. Bury some radials, and you'll have a decent HF antenna. Otherwise, consider some portable antenna that you can deploy when you want to operate.
PG1N's HAM Radio Site - 2m Projects - Omnidirectional Vertical
Efficient 2 meter Disguise Antenna by W6NBC This horizontal “slot” antenna, cut into the reflector of a TV dish, is both the master of disguise and high in performance. http://w6nbc.com/articles/20xx-dishslot.pdf
Efficient 2 meter Disguise Antenna . Made From a TV Satellite Dish . This horizontal “slot” antenna, cut into the reflector of a TV dish, is both the master of disguise and high in performance. By John Portune W6NBC . 47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000, October 1996, “prohibits restrictions that impair… antennas used to receive video…
to hide an efficient 2 meter base-station antenna in a TV satellite dish. My home-owners covenants, conditions, and restric-tions (CC&R) committee couldn’t force me take it down.1 But would all the metal in the TV dish compromise a 2 meter antenna? Finally, it struck me: don’t fight the metal, take advantage of it, by cutting a
Efficient 2 meter Disguise Antenna Made From a TV Satellite ... - Reddit
2014年9月4日 · Basically you just need to install some insulators at either end of the guy wires, and then use the existing 300-ohm twinlead (if it exists) to connect to them instead of the antenna. Not many houses have VHF antennas with twinlead anymore, but a few might.
vhf - Good Hidden Antenna For 2m - Amateur Radio Stack Exchange
2017年4月4日 · Stick with SO-239 connectors on the antenna, so that way your PL-259 connectors will work well with the antenna. If you switch to an HT that uses an SMA or BNC connector, you can get adapters for cheap.