Our pioneering semiconductor sequencing technology is poised to bring patients the benefits of fast and insightful diagnostics. At DNAe we are leading the way in rapid, near-patient …
Company | DNAe
Our mission is to bring dramatic, life-changing improvements to healthcare and beyond with fast, simple and scientifically sound products. To this end, we apply the best scientific skills and …
Technology | DNAe
DNAe has developed a wide portfolio of patents and know-how around semiconductor technology, systems engineering and molecular biology for life science applications.
DnaE - Wikipedia
DnaE, the gene product of dnaE, is the catalytic α subunit of DNA polymerase III, acting as a DNA polymerase. This enzyme is only found in prokaryotes. [1]
DNA Electronics (DNAe) - LinkedIn
DNAe is commercializing its pioneering semiconductor sequencing technology for healthcare applications where rapid point-of-need diagnostics are of critical need, including infectious …
分裂内含肽: 一种高效的无痕多肽片段连接工具_合成_反应_蛋白质
2023年12月21日 · Npu DnaE具有极高的剪接反应活性, 在37 ℃下反式剪接反应的半衰期(即反应物的浓度消耗一半时所需的时间t1/2, s)仅为63 s, 剪接反应速率常数k(s-1)>3.5×10-3 …
DnaE - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
DnaE (α subunit) is involved in the phosphodiester bond formation between nucleotides. DnaQ (ɛ subunit) provides the proofreading aspect of DNA polymerase III to ensure the fidelity and …
Careers - DNAe
DNAe is a forward thinking and progressive company, that is integrating cutting-edge science, engineering and technology to develop life-saving diagnostic products.
System | DNAe
DNAe bridges this gap with LiDia-SEQ™, a semiconductor sequencing-based diagnostic platform, where analysis and read-out take place on a single silicon chip, and run direct from specimen …
DNAe, Imperial College London and the University of Leicester ...
DNAe’s initial focus is on infectious disease diagnostics, where speed and DNA-specific information can make the difference between life and death. This includes a range of tests, …