Dogz - Petz Wiki
Dogz is the first game in the Petz series, originally released as a standalone title for Windows 3.x on November 1st, 1995, and for Mac OS on March 5th, 1996. [1] Unlike its successors, it offers no integration with its sister title, Catz, which was not released until the following year.
Petz - Wikipedia
Petz is a series of single-player video games dating back to 1995, in which the player can adopt, raise, care for and breed their own virtual pets. Developed by PF.Magic, original Petz (Dogz and Catz) has sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide. [3] . The series has grown to over 22 million copies as of 2011 since coming under Ubisoft. [4]
Dogz 1 - Classic Petz 'Pedia Wiki
Dogz (typically referred to as Dogz 1 so as to distinguish it from later entries in the series and from the virtual species it introduced), released in 1995, was the first game in the Petz series. Though quite different from later games in many ways, it introduced the basics of gameplay...
Dogz and Catz - Wikipedia
Dogz: Your Computer Pet and Catz: Your Computer Petz are a pair of virtual pet simulation software developed by PF.Magic, and released in 1995 and 1996 respectively. Developed for Windows and Mac OS, they were the first games in the …
Dogz, Your Computer Pet : PF Magic : Free Download, Borrow, …
2015年4月29日 · Dogz: Your Computer Pet is the first game entirely based on caring for a virtual pet, even before the Tamagotchis became popular. From the title screen players can choose one of the five available puppies and interact with them using the mouse.
Dogz - Your Computer Petz (1996) - Archive.org
2020年2月3日 · Dogz - Your Computer Petz (1996) Item Preview IMG_0029.jpg . remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. ... Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 1,211 Views . 13 Favorites. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS ...
Dogz - Your Computer Pet v1.1 : PF. Magic, Inc. - Archive.org
2021年3月16日 · Dogz, Your Computer Pet (tm) by PF. Magic To install Dogz to your hard drive: - Run SETUP.EXE. - This will install a copy of Dogz to your hard drive. System Requirements: - You will need approximately 6MB of available hard disk space - Dogz requires Windows 3.1 (or higher) or Windows'95 - 486DX, 25MHz recommended
Dogz (2004) - MobyGames
2006年12月7日 · Dogz along with Catz, is the first installment of the Petz series in the DS. The player starts off by choosing a dog from a large selection of 18 different breeds that come in many colors. The dog can be taken out for walks, entered in competitions,...
Dogz FAQ - Wayback Petz
Replacing the number 1 with a number 0 will disable the password option set for Dogz. To erase your current password settings, locate this line with your password encrypted, and place a semi-colon in front of it.
Dogz 1 - Tripod
Dogz 1. Did you ever play dogz? Did you meet Jowlz, Bootz, Scrappy, ChiChi and Chip? If not, you missed the very first petz game - ever! Here's a little info page, perhaps you will learn something about the first petz program, perhaps you will feel the nostalgia! Dogz 1 was the first petz game, and nobody had quite seen anything like it before!