Dogz - Petz Wiki
Dogz is the first game in the Petz series, originally released as a standalone title for Windows 3.x on November 1st, 1995, and for Mac OS on March 5th, 1996. [1] Unlike its successors, it …
Petz - Wikipedia
Petz is a series of single-player video games dating back to 1995, in which the player can adopt, raise, care for and breed their own virtual pets. Developed by PF.Magic, original Petz (Dogz …
Dogz 1 - Classic Petz 'Pedia Wiki
Dogz (typically referred to as Dogz 1 so as to distinguish it from later entries in the series and from the virtual species it introduced), released in 1995, was the first game in the Petz series. …
Dogz and Catz - Wikipedia
Dogz: Your Computer Pet and Catz: Your Computer Petz are a pair of virtual pet simulation software developed by PF.Magic, and released in 1995 and 1996 respectively. Developed for …
Dogz, Your Computer Pet : PF Magic : Free Download, Borrow, …
2015年4月29日 · Dogz: Your Computer Pet is the first game entirely based on caring for a virtual pet, even before the Tamagotchis became popular. From the title screen players can choose …
Dogz - Your Computer Petz (1996) - Archive.org
2020年2月3日 · Dogz - Your Computer Petz (1996) Item Preview IMG_0029.jpg . remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. ... Internet …
Dogz - Your Computer Pet v1.1 : PF. Magic, Inc. - Archive.org
2021年3月16日 · Dogz, Your Computer Pet (tm) by PF. Magic To install Dogz to your hard drive: - Run SETUP.EXE. - This will install a copy of Dogz to your hard drive. System Requirements: - …
Dogz (2004) - MobyGames
2006年12月7日 · Dogz along with Catz, is the first installment of the Petz series in the DS. The player starts off by choosing a dog from a large selection of 18 different breeds that come in …
Dogz FAQ - Wayback Petz
Replacing the number 1 with a number 0 will disable the password option set for Dogz. To erase your current password settings, locate this line with your password encrypted, and place a …
Dogz 1 - Tripod
Dogz 1. Did you ever play dogz? Did you meet Jowlz, Bootz, Scrappy, ChiChi and Chip? If not, you missed the very first petz game - ever! Here's a little info page, perhaps you will learn …