FAA approved electronic E6B and flight bag suggestions
2014年11月25日 · I understood Sporty's electronic E6B was the only electronic E6B approved for use while taking the FAA written exam. Yes, Sporty's themselves sells software version of the same thing for use on the i-whatever. There are competing apps as well. None of those are approved for use on the test. So its either whiz wheel or Sporty's brick.
Is this a great E6B pilot watch? - Pilots of America
2005年2月12日 · The E6B is a bit tough to read, but the multi time zone capability is great when traveling. And it's ability to set itself off WWVB or the Japanese or German stations is quite handy, as well. It is now the time transfer standard in our house.
Differences Between Manual Flight Computers - Pilots of America
2017年12月17日 · The Pooley's CRP computers (dominant in the U.K.) are based on the E6B. There are several companies making copies of the CR. The "new" ASA E6B Circular Flight Computer, released in 2014, is not an E6B at all. It is a copy of the Jeppesen CR. I guess that ASA thought that the name "Circular E6B" would sell better.
Which E6B to Buy - Pilots of America
2020年8月13日 · There's another possible reason to purchase an electronic E6-B - the practical test (for private pilot). Converting IAS to TAS or vice-versa is easiest done with an electronic version of some sort, even if it's just an iPhone app (which I recognize can't be …
TAS from performance chart or E6B? - Pilots of America
2015年6月22日 · The OP was confused thinking that the E6B might be used to correct the TAS from the performance chart. I was telling him what the TAS function of the E6B does--It takes CAS, temperature, and pressure altitude and calculates TAS. He didn't ask how to calculate his ground speed inflight or any of the other things you interjected.
diy e6b? - Pilots of America
2011年5月26日 · Well, I've used the E6B precisely 0 times since my private pilot checkride. So I don't think you made a crutch for yourself. But Laurie gave me a really cool watch with one built-in, so I'm going to re-learn. Technology is changing. Not knowing how to use the electronic tools seems foolish to me.
E6B in PPL written exam - Pilots of America
2021年2月6日 · When I took my written, they carefully inspected my e6b and plotter. They wouldn't let me use my calculator because it has a memory function, and wouldn't let me use my mechanical pencil for fear I might be hiding something inside it. Had to take off my watch, and I think maybe the hooded sweatshirt I was wearing. It was ridiculous.
Teaching new students with old E6-B - Pilots of America
2010年8月24日 · The manual e6b fits in my kneeboard pocket and I prefer to use that in flight rather than trying to fiddle with my phone. YMMV, I assume that the stand alone electronic e6b's are more user friendly than the iphone app but I don't have any issues with the …
E6b aviation calculator vs sportys e6b | Pilots of America
2015年8月12日 · My DPE let me use whatever means I would use in the real world to do calculations and such. So, Foreflight and my E6B app (MyE6B is the app) were fair game. Used the E6B when he picked a destination airport that didn't have a METAR and needed to calculate density alt. DA is the most convoluted part of the mechanical e6B, so I was glad for that.
E6B Pro is on the App Store! - Pilots of America
2005年10月2日 · My first iPhone app, E6B Pro, is available on the App store as of today. It's designed to run on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Features: True Airspeed Cloud Base Density Altitude Pressure Altitude Standard Atmosphere Compass Heading Course / Groundspeed / WCA Distance ETA Groundspeed...