18. EAAE CONGRESS: Food System Transformation In Challenging …
The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) will hold its 18th congress in Bonn, Germany on Tuesday the 26th until the 29th of August 2025 at the Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn.
The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) connects agricultural economists and professionals dedicated to addressing agri-food system and rural development challenges with a particular focus on the European context.
Congress – Forthcoming - EAAE
Every three years the EAAE organizes a congress with a general theme in the broad field of agricultural economics. The congress brings together between 700 to 1000 academics, scholars, practitioners, stakeholders and policy makers from all over the world to discuss the latest and most pressing issues in the agri and food domain.
Home - European Association for Architectural Education
EAAE/ACSA Teachers Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 12.-14.06.2025 Deadline call for abstracts December . 19. Thu. UK association of architectural educators Conference 2025 Call for papers April . 10. Thu. Apr 10 — 11 ...
European Association for Architectural Education - EAAE
By EAAE - 5/12/2024. EAAE is part of the Artistic Research Alliance. By EAAE - 5/12/2024. The winner - EAAE Pedagogy Awards. By eaae - 1/09/2024. New Members All Members Kiel University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany University of Prishtina / Faculty of Architecture ...
EAAE - 百度百科
欧洲建筑教育协会 简称 EAAE(European association for architectural education),它是一个国际性的非盈利性组织,致力于开展建筑教育和研究领域内的理念和人才交流,促进该学科在全欧洲的发展。
About EAAE - European Association for Architectural Education
The European Association for Architectural Education is an international, membership-based Association organizing architectural schools in Europe. Membership is not limited to countries that belong to the European Union, all European countries may participate. The EAAE is a non-profit, Belgian registered organization.
EAAE Congress 2025
EAAE Congress 2025. The XVIII Congress of the EAAE will take place in Bonn from August 26th to 29th, 2025. This congress will also commemorate the 50th anniversary of the EAAE. The EAAE Board, the Local Organizing Committee, and the Anniversary Committee look forward to welcoming you to Bonn.
About - EAAE
The European Association for Architectural Education is an international, membership-based Association representing architectural schools in Europe with the aim to advance the quality of architectural education and promote the quality of architecture in Europe.
Members - EAAE
The status of full membership is for European schools or institutions delivering a diploma of architect that is recognized either by the state or by the professional organization ruling the access to the profession in the home country. These members benefit from voting right at the General Assembly.