Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
Ranked among top 25 institutes in India under Self Finance Institute category by Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA-2020 with Band-A). 4-Star rating by GSIRF (2019).
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India - Wikipedia
The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (abbreviated as EDII) is an autonomous body and not-for-profit institute located Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Established in 1983, the institute offers master's degree programmes in Entrepreneurship, a fellowship programme and a number of entrepreneurship training programmes. [ 2 ]
Jobs at EDII – Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
EDII takes pride in its top-quality product portfolio, the details of which are available on its website www.ediindia.org. Candidates are advised to go through it. EDII reserves the right to accept or reject any/all application (s) without assigning any reason (s) thereof. Please click here to …
Top Entrepreneurship Development Management College in India
Join EDII, one of the best entrepreneurship colleges in India. Offering top management and entrepreneurship development programs in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Enroll today!
EDII-Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute
Established in 2001, the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII), Chennai is an apex organisation in the field of entrepreneurship education and self-employment promotion in the state of Tamil Nadu Under Department of MSME.
EDII | Educate Develop Innovate Inspire
Our team brings a unique combination of market expertise, change and education skills to our learning and talent development programmes, facilitation, and consultancy. With a strong focus on innovation and Design Thinking, we enable transformational change in …
Entrepreneurship Education – Entrepreneurship Development …
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) online programmes are innovative learning experiences that leverage leading-edge thinking and next-generation technology and pedagogy to address the most pressing and relevant business problems facing organisations today.
Overview & Emergence of EDII - Top Entrepreneurship
Launched in 1983, EDII is a National Resource Institute in entrepreneurship education, research, training, capacity building, institution building, MSME growth, innovations and incubation.
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Gandhinagar …
EDII Ahmedabad offers a Full-time PGDM program with two specializations viz: Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development with a duration of 2 years.
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), History ...
2019年3月21日 · Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) is a premier organization focused on promoting entrepreneurship education and fostering the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India.