EKLF/KLF1, a tissue-restricted integrator of transcriptional control ...
Erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF or KLF1) is a transcriptional regulator that plays a critical role in lineage-restricted control of gene expression. KLF1 expression and activity are tightly controlled in a temporal and differentiation stage-specific manner. The mechanisms by which KLF1 is regula …
红细胞 Kruppel 样因子 (EKLF) 被招募到 γ-珠蛋白基因启动子作为 …
目的 红细胞 Kruppel 样因子 (EKLF) 是 β 型珠蛋白基因转换的必需转录因子,并且特异性激活成人 β 珠蛋白基因启动子的转录。 我们试图确定 EKLF 是否也需要短链脂肪酸 (SCFA) 衍生物激活 γ-珠蛋白基因,这些衍生物现在正在进入临床试验。
EKLF/Klf1 is a zinc-finger transcription activator essential for erythroid lineage commitment and terminal dif-ferentiation. Using ChIP-seq, we investigate EKLF DNA binding and transcription activation mechanisms dur-ing mouse embryonic erythropoiesis.
The erythroid Krüppel-like factor transactivation domain is a …
Erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF) is an erythroid cell-specific DNA-binding protein that activates transcription from the beta-globin CACCC element, a functionally important and evolutionarily conserved component of globin as well as other erythroid cell-specific promoters and enhancers.
EKLF/Klf1 Regulates Erythroid Transcription By Its Pioneering …
2021年11月5日 · EKLF/Klf1 is a master transcriptional activator of critical genes that regulate both erythroid fate specification and terminal erythroid maturation.
EKLF/Klf1 regulates erythroid transcription by its ... - Cell Press
2022年12月20日 · EKLF/Klf1 is a zinc-finger transcription activator essential for erythroid lineage commitment and terminal differentiation. Using ChIP-seq, we investigate EKLF DNA binding and transcription activation mechanisms during mouse embryonic erythropoiesis.
The multifunctional role of EKLF/KLF1 during erythropoiesis
Erythroid Krüppel-like factor (ELKF/KLF1) 1 is the founding member of the Krüppel-like factor (KLF) family that comprises 17 different transcription factors playing critical roles in diverse biologic processes. 2 – 4 KLFs are characterized by a highly conserved DNA-binding domain that belongs to the well-studied class of C2H2 zinc fingers. 5, 6.
Transcriptional Activity of Erythroid Kruppel-like Factor (EKLF/KLF1 ...
2015年4月4日 · Erythroid Kruppel-like factor (EKLF or KLF1) is a transcription factor crucial for red cell development that is directly involved in regulation of a large number of erythroid genes. EKLF serves mostly as an activator of expression of these genes; however, it …
Functional Interactions between Erythroid Kruppel-like Factor (EKLF …
2012年5月4日 · EKLF activates transcription of E2f2, through which it regulates the entry of erythroid progenitors into the cell divisions that precede terminal erythroid differentiation (17, 18). At the same time, EKLF has also been shown to be a transcriptional activator of cell cycle inhibitors like p18INK4c and p21WAF1/CIP1 .
Chromatin-binding in vivo of the erythroid kruppel-like factor, EKLF ...
2006年4月13日 · EKLF is an erythroid-specific, zinc finger-containing transcription factor essential for the activation of the mammalian beta globin gene in erythroid cells of definitive lineage.