Quantifying Golgi structure using EM: combining volume-SEM …
Light microscopy (LM) has been an effective tool for screening but fails to reveal fine details of Golgi structures such as vesicles, tubules and cisternae. Electron microscopy (EM) has sufficient resolution but traditional transmission EM (TEM) methods are slow and inefficient.
Algorithm for Modern Electron Microscopic Examination of the Golgi …
Fast development of microscopic methods generates a huge difficulty for Golgi researchers to select the best protocol to use. Modern methods of light microscopy, such as super-resolution light microscopy (SRLM) and electron microscopy (EM), open new possibilities in analysis of various biological structures at organelle, cell, and organ levels.
Golgi apparatus analyzed by cryo-electron microscopy
2013年8月18日 · In this review, we will focus on the influences of fixation on the architecture of Golgi apparatus, how it is seen by cryo-electron microscopy, as well as shedding light on what we have learned from these results, how structural data from single-particle reconstructions and sub-tomogram averaging could fit in, and what to expect from future ...
Novel scanning electron microscopy methods for analyzing …
2016年10月26日 · To overcome this problem, we have developed several novel scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods for observing the 3D structure of subcellular organelles including the Golgi apparatus: (1) an osmium maceration method that facilitates SEM observation of membranous organelles, including the Golgi apparatus, by selectively removing soluble ...
Electron tomography of ER, Golgi and related membrane systems
2006年6月1日 · Electron tomography of cryofixed, freeze-substituted, and plastic-embedded samples allows three-dimensional visualization and display of dynamic, pleiomorphic structures at a resolution of ∼7 nm in cell volumes up to ∼25 μm 3.
Eukaryotes: Scanning Electron Microscopy of Intracellular Structures
1987年1月1日 · Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is advantageous in the morphological research of intracellular structures that are spatially arranged intricatly. Advances in instruments and specimen preparation techniques permit intracellular fine structures to be studied by SEM. This chapter illustrates the intracellular structures observed by SEM.
Subcellular Fraction Electron Microscopy - University of …
Subcellular fraction identification of RER, SER, Golgi, mitochondria, peroxisomes, melanosomes, etc. can be examined ultrastructurally using a pellet technique. Purified fractions are pelleted at 150,000 x g for approximately 30 minutes and fixed as a suspension in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde for three hours.
Unravelling the endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi intermediate
5 天之前 · The existence of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) in plant cells has long been debated. In our study we identified a dynamic Golgi-independent tubular network ...
Three-dimensional shape of the Golgi apparatus in different cell …
2015年11月24日 · In this study, we used serial section scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the morphological study of the Golgi apparatus. This method is useful for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of cellular structures without requiring specialized instruments, unlike focused ion beam SEM (FIB-SEM) and serial block face SEM (SBF-SEM).
Electron micrograph of the Golgi apparatus in an intestinal …
In these situations, ultrastructural studies (9,12) reveal triglyceride droplets within the SER but entry of nascent chylomicrons into the Golgi apparatus is apparently prevented, resulting in...