ELOKA homepage | Exchange for Local Observations and …
Explore the whole Knowledge Sharing Product Catalog that ELOKA hosts on behalf of our partners.
ELOKA - National Snow and Ice Data Center
ELOKA collaborates with Arctic communities and Indigenous organizations, schools, and researchers to create customized data management products. ELOKA provides open and tailored data access, data stewardship for Indigenous communities, and services ranging from advising on data sharing ethics and protocols to handling different data types.
About | Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the …
Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) fosters collaboration between resident Arctic experts and visiting researchers to facilitate the collection, preservation, exchange, and use of local observations and Indigenous knowledge of the Arctic.
Elektronische Kampfführung – Wikipedia
Elektronische Kampfführung (EloKa) (Englisch EW (electronic warfare)) umfasst die Fernmelde- und elektronische Aufklärung (Fm/EloAufkl) und den elektronischen Kampf (EloKpf). Sie erfasst und wertet gegnerische elektromagnetische und akustische Ausstrahlungen aus.
Eloka Home Automation Products - Integrated and Affordable
Eloka offers customized digital living solutions by integrating high quality products from reputable manufacturers. Eloka's products are backed up by excellent warranty and support. Please click on a category below to view sample products.
Visual histories added to Evenki Atlas | Exchange for Local ... - NSIDC
2022年10月13日 · Snowchange will continue to work with ELOKA to add more place names, visual histories, and photos to the Atlas to nurture the breadth of Evenki Knowledge. Mustonen also hopes in the next two or three years to change the Atlas’s interface to …
Eloka - making life secure, convenient and enjoyable ::Lighting::
Eloka designs and installs wired and wireless lighting control systems personalized to the needs of each family. Lighting control systems can be programmed easily based on time of day, motion, security, mood, and many other factors.
galerie d'art | Angers | galerie Eloka
La galerie Eloka est une galerie nouvelle génération : les œuvres sont présentées dans un cadre intimiste et chaleureux, où vous êtes reçu comme à la maison, dans un salon, autour d'un café.
Eloka – Agent B2B White-label Portal for DMT, AePS, Recharge
Welcome to Eloka, an end-to-end white-label platform that helps businesses like yours to easily step into the digital payments world. Bundled with payment services like DMT, AePS, BBPS, CMS, Credit Card, Static QR, Indo-Nepal, etc. No API integration or development efforts!
Maps | eloka-arctic.org
ELOKA is a collaborative international effort; the Web site is hosted by the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Contact: [email protected]