EN31 Alloy Steel - Fushun Special Steel
EN31 Alloy Steel is a high carbon, chromium containing low alloy steel that is through hardening and noted in particular for use as bearings. AISI 52100 has an excellent high carbon alloy steel which provides a high level of hardness with compressive strength and abrasion resistance.
EN31 Die Steel – Composition, Properties, and Uses
2023年1月28日 · EN31 steel is a high-carbon alloy steel that is typically used in engineering applications like gears and shafts due to its impressive mechanical properties. It contains carbon, manganese, sulfur, silicon, and phosphorus, making it highly durable and able to retain its shape in extreme temperatures.
EN31合金钢(能够承受高温)百科 - 百家号
EN31耐热耐腐蚀,应用于汽车、航空、机械制造及模具制造等领域。 EN31是一种高强度合金钢,以其出色的耐磨性、高硬度和良好的机械性能在工业领域中得到广泛应用。 1. 化学成分. 这些成分使得EN31具有优异的机械性能和耐磨性。 2. 物理特性. 3. 机械性能. 4. 加工性. EN31具有良好的加工性,可以进行车削、铣削、钻孔等多种加工方式。 由于其高硬度,加工时需要选择合适的切削工具和参数。 5. 热处理特性. 这些热处理工艺能够提高EN31的机械性能。 6. 耐腐蚀性和耐热 …
En31 - BS 970-1955 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
该牌号在1970/9月的修改单AMD553被删除。 • 淬火800~840°C 油或水冷,淬火部件可在130~180°C轻微回火,回火温度超过200°C,可能会导致硬度不足。 注:数据仅供参考! 如有疑问,请填写"我要纠错"!
ASTM 52100 Bearing Steel - SUJ2 | EN31 - Otai Special Steel
AISI/ASTM 52100 bearing steel is a high carbon, chromium containing low alloy steel that is through hardening and noted in particular for use as bearings. 52100 bearing steel is one kind of special steel with features of high wear resistance and rolling fatigue strength.
En31 Steel - Brij Steel
What is EN31 Steel ? It is a Raw Material which Achives a High Degree of Hardness With Compressive Strength & Abrasion Resistance. En31 Steel Is Used In ? Heat slowly and begin forging at 1000-1050°C. Allow sufficient time at the forging temperature for the steel to be thoroughly soaked through. Re heat as necessary and do not forge below 850°C.
535A99 Steel | EN31 Steel - Hillfoot
535A99 grade steel is a high carbon alloy steel commonly supplied in the spherodised annealed condition. Following machining it is subsequently hardened and lightly tempered to give parts a high surface hardness with a deeper hardened zone than …
什么是EN31(EN31轴承钢)_组织_要求_非金属 - 搜狐
2023年5月23日 · en31是一种最常用的高碳铬 轴承钢 ,具有较高的淬透性,热处理后可获得高而均匀的硬度。 耐磨性优于GCr9,接触疲劳强度高,有良好的尺寸稳定性和抗蚀性,冷变形塑性中等,切削性一般,焊接性差,对白点形成敏感,有第一类回火脆性。
Title: EN31 Data Sheet - West Yorkshire Steel Co Ltd Author: Microsoft Office User Keywords: EN31 steel Created Date: 7/11/2022 6:22:36 PM
England B.S. En31,及该型号钢材的基本信息、化学元素成分、机械性能、力学性能、热处理温度、同等型号参照表等