Esus - Wikipedia
Esus[a] is a Celtic god known from iconographic, epigraphic, and literary sources. The Roman poet Lucan 's epic Pharsalia mentions Esus, Taranis, and Teutates as gods to whom the …
Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source | Stroke - AHA/ASA …
2017年3月6日 · Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) designates patients with nonlacunar cryptogenic ischemic strokes in whom embolism is the likely stroke mechanism. It …
Esus | Celtic God, Gaulish God, Tarvos Trigaranus | Britannica
Esus, (Celtic: “Lord,” or “Master”), powerful Celtic deity, one of three mentioned by the Roman poet Lucan in the 1st century ad; the other two were Taranis (“Thunderer”) and Teutates (“God …
ESUS: 不明原因栓塞性卒中 - 健康界
2021年4月29日 · ESUS是指非腔隙性脑梗死(腔隙性梗死是指CT显示皮质下梗死直径≤1.5cm或MRI≤2cm的脑梗死)且排除以下情况: 脑缺血区对应的颅内外动脉粥样硬化存在>50%管腔狭窄
Esus - World Mythos
2024年12月14日 · Esus occupies a significant place in Gaulish mythology, representing the deep connection between the Gauls and their natural environment. Through archaeological …
隐源性脑卒中和不明原因栓塞性脑卒中(ESUS) - UpToDate
多数缺血性脑卒中是由心源性栓塞、大血管动脉粥样硬化血栓栓塞、小血管闭塞性疾病或其他罕见机制引起的。 然而,很多缺血性脑卒中的发生没有明确病因,因而称为隐源性脑卒中。 本文 …
Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source: What Are the Next Steps?
2020年5月22日 · Embolic stroke of unknown source (ESUS) and cryptogenic stroke are not the same, but both have soft definitions. Most patients with ESUS or cryptogenic strokes do not …
Esus Celtic God: Unraveling the Mysterious Celtic Deity
Esus Celtic God is a mysterious deity mentioned in ancient Roman literature and depicted as a powerful lumberjack cutting tree branches, possibly from a willow tree. Associated with the …
ESUS THE DRUID SUN SAVIOUR by Constantine Tsutras, ORDM.
Esus, also known as Hesus is the personal name of the Celtic-Druids sun savior, closely associated to Jupiter or Zeus. The Druids were the priestly tribe of the Celtic/ Gaul, the present …
Embolic stroke of undetermined source - Wikipedia
Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) is an embolic stroke, a type of ischemic stroke, with an unknown origin, [1] defined as a non-lacunar brain infarct without proximal arterial …