Extover® - PORAVER expanded glass
Extover® is a new, environmentally friendly extinguishing agent which can be used for extinguishing purposes and preventive fire protection. The small, lightweight spheres consist of expanded post-consumer recycled glass with tiny pores inside which form a closed cell structure.
Extover® - PORAVER Blähglas
Extover® ist ein neues, umweltschonendes Löschmittel aus Blähglasgranulat, das für Löschzwecke und den vorbeugenden Brandschutz eingesetzt werden kann. Die kleinen, leichten Kugeln werden aus ressourcenschonendem Recyclingglas hergestellt. Das Granulat ist 100 % mineralisch und daher nicht brennbar (Baustoffklasse A1, DIN 4102).
Extover® Fire Extinguishing Agent | ICC Compliance Center
Extover® is an environmentally-friendly extinguishing agent, developed for class D and lithium-battery fires. Features. Multifunctional (extinguisher, absorbent, filtration medium) Low weight, easy handling as bulk material; Causes no extinguishing agent damage (compared to water, foam or powder) Causes no corrosion (compared to extinguishing ...
Extover Löschgranulat
extover® findet Anwendung in Flugzeugen, Schiffen und anderen Transportmitteln, um potenzielle Brände zu bekämpfen und die Sicherheit während des Transports zu erhöhen. In Recyclinganlagen wird extover® eingesetzt, um potenzielle Feuer zu bekämpfen und die Integrität der Anlagen sowie die Umweltsicherheit zu gewährleisten.
Extinguishing with Expanded Glass - Extover® Fire Extinguisher …
2021年1月19日 · Extover® has been designed to extinguish these hard to control lithium battery fires. The material is also precisely suited in preventive fire protection for the safe storage and transport of...
Extover® – extinguishing fire with expanded glass
2021年1月21日 · Extover® surrounds the fire source and suffocates the fire within a very short time. At particularly high temperatures, Extover® melts like glass and spreads over the fire source. The granulate absorbs a lot of heat in the form of melting energy and thus cooling the fire.
Poraver Extover Fire Suppressant - | Recharging the Planet.
By covering the fire load with Extover®, oxygen is suppressed and separated from the combustible material. Extover® melts like glass after a certain temperature. In the process, the granules absorb a lot of heat in the form of meting energy, thus cooling off the fire, and at the same time forming an impermeable shell around the fire load.
EXTOVER Fire extinguishing agent for class D and lithium battery …
Properties of Extover® Extover® fire extinguishing agent made from recycled glass • Multi functional (extinguisher, absorbent, filtration medium) • Low weight, easy handling as bulk material • Causes no extinguishing agent damage (compared to water, foam or powder) • Causes no corrosion (compared to extinguishing salts) • Very good ...
EXTOVER® Löschgranulat: Sicherer Brandschutz
EXTOVER ® ist ein mineralisches Löschgranulat, das speziell für den Umgang mit Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und anderen gefährlichen Materialien entwickelt wurde. Es wird in Transportboxen verwendet, um im Brandfall eine schnelle und effektive Brandbekämpfung zu gewährleisten.
Extover - Banabox
Extover® offers safe fire and leak protection for the packaging and transport of hazardous materials, e.g. electrolyte. It is ideally suited as a packaging material for the loose filling of outer packaging and for the filling of fireproof packaging.