Functional Movement Systems
With the FMS Academy, you'll unlock over 35 online courses and exclusive access to our monthly live discussion groups, partner discounts, complete exercise library, and those much-needed Continuing Education Credits for one low price!
Functional Movement Systems
THE FMS ACADEMY WELCOME. Our system is built on a multi-disciplinary approach so whether you are a fitness or rehabilitation professional, our online courses have solutions for your business from evaluating movement to correcting movement, to building a long term solution for …
Functional Movement Systems
The FMS is our tool for standardized movement screening to see how an individual, no matter their age, is moving in everyday life. It takes into account both mobility and stability and equips the professional with information to make programming decisions with precision and purpose.
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaint or musculoskeletal injury.
My FMS - Functional Movement Systems
FMS Academy FAQ; The System Overview. The System; SFMA; FMS; YBT; FCS; Symmio; FMS Fellowship; FMS for Higher Ed; Course CEU Information; Meet the team. About Us; Instructors; Our Community. Partners; Find A Certified Member; Articles Exercises Education. Where to Start? Find a course near you » ...
Exercise Library | Functional Movement Systems
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FMS Academy - Functional Movement Systems
The FMS Academy is your all-access pass to the entire FMS online course library. Functional Movement Systems is built on a multi-disciplinary approach. Whether you are a fitness or rehabilitation professional, our online courses have solutions for your business from evaluating movement to correcting movement to building a long-term solution for ...
Functional Movement Systems
Why the SFMA Level 1? Proper diagnosis is the first step to effective treatment. This course teaches our movement based diagnostic system and provides healthcare professionals with an efficient and systematic tool to reach a comprehensive movement diagnosis.
FMS Level 1: Understanding Movement
The FMS is comprised of seven movement tests that require a balance of mobility and stability. The patterns used provide observable performance of basic, mobility, and stability movements by placing clients in positions where weaknesses, imbalances, asymmetries, and limitations become noticeable by a trained health and fitness professional.
FMS Level 1 Online Course | Functional Movement Systems
Once your purchase is complete, you will have one year of access to the FMS Level 1 Online course. You will receive email confirmation of purchase with directions on how to access this online course. This course includes access to over 5 …