Home | FAForever Forums
@N0ld0r Hello, i also encountered this a while ago. afaik, it's a nvidia driver issue. and a later driver update fixed it. it's not only faf, but also affacted fa/sc. i got 3 pc installed fa, then one day i just noticed the lag. initially, i suspeceted win11 updates. later, i read some nvidia related threads. so i turned to the only pc with amd ...
How To Play FAF & Get Better - Cliff Notes | FAForever Forums
2022年9月3日 · a. You can ask for advice in the gameplay-and-training channel on the FAF Discord. b. You can also ask for replay analysis (of a game you recently played) there (trainers generally prefer to go over 1v1 replays rather than like 6v6's btw). c. You can also find a trainer here. d. You can find additional guides and other helpful information here.
FAF Campaigns - FAForever Forums
2021年4月16日 · @rowey said in FAF Campaigns: via Intelij so dose not look pritty. Plan out your ideas in paint or something, don't waste your time spenting 30 minutes trying to make basic layouts and don't spend so much time working on something that might be bad that your time investment makes it irreversible. @arma473 said in FAF Campaigns:
Updated Mods for FAF and Vanilla Steam - FAForever Forums
2020年10月5日 · no, sorry. The FAF version of the Black ops mod does not run outside of FAF. There are many places where we patched the mod to get the latest FAF updates and changes included. So we refactored almost every script and blueprint. If you want to play Black ops on vanilla you need to use the old mod version: BlackOpsACUs V10
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Topics - by arma473
2020年12月10日 · The Java client for FAF has access to a vault with information about just about every FAF game ever played. It is in the vault section, and it is called “online replays.” Some of the replays don’t work, but most of them do. You can filter the replays to search by player name, player rating, map name, and other factors.
Forged Alliance Forever • Index page
2021年3月5日 · This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game. Moderator: PhilipJFry. Topics: 3538. Posts: 16866. 09 Feb 2021, 23:33. by tekno640. Help. Need help? This is the right place! Note, reporting bugs and issues should be in the Tech Support forum! Subforums: Tactics/strategy help, General Questions. Moderator ...
Modding & Tools - FAForever Forums
Update: 14.Dec.2024. AI-Uveso (v114) New: Platoons will now merge if engaged in combat and nearby. Fix: Resolved an issue where RepeatBuild could potentially cause a stack overflow.
M28AI Devlog (v206) | FAForever Forums
2022年12月18日 · M28AI was originally developed for FAF, and this is recommended for the most competitive experience. However, it also now supports both LOUD and steam (see the installation.txt file for details of how to setup M28AI on LOUD and/or Steam; for FAF setup you can either refer to this same file or the FAF wiki which details how to play with custom AIs).
Redux Strategic Icons - FAForever Forums
2021年11月26日 · Slight changes with a few more unique icons added. Default FAF, and larger sizes. Unfortunately the larger unscouted icon sizes via Advanced Strategic icons.nxt is longer allowed, but you can still use it in offline mode, just not on the FAF client. So I've left those in the zip files. Readme instructions are in the download. Default Size. 1200 ...
My First Guide - The Keybind Guide | FAForever Forums
2025年2月18日 · Hello Everyone, as the title suggests I'd like to work on my first actual guide to contribute further to the FAF community as a whole. Currently, there is no known up to date key-bind guide that contains some of the more recently …