Pharmacokinetics of Fem7, a once-weekly, transdermal oestrogen …
This open-label, randomized study in 36 healthy postmenopausal women, investigated the pharmacokinetics of Fem7, (an oestradiol matrix-type patch), at doses of 25, 50, 75 and 100 microg/24 h, applied once weekly. Maximum plasma concentrations of oestradiol and oestrone were observed 14-20 h after pa …
半水合雌二醇贴片 - A+医学百科
半水合雌二醇贴片 (Fem7),商品名 松奇。 减轻 绝经 引起的 症状,低 雌激素 水平引起的长期作用。 本药品被归类到 激素药物 等药品分类。 1.由于使用 激素 替代的治疗有时可出现不期望的反应。 如在贴片 皮肤 处出现潮红和发痒,这种现象在贴片揭除后几天应自行消失。 2. 乳房 触痛、 恶心 、 胃痉挛 性痛、 肿胀 感、 头痛 或 偏头痛。 腿部 痉挛 性痛。 3. 眩晕 、体重改变、 踝关节 浮肿 或 静脉曲张 加重,但这些 症状 都不常见。 雌激素 依赖性 肿瘤,原因不明的 阴道出 …
松奇Fem7|美迪医疗网 - maydeal.com
本药用于激素替代治疗,可减轻绝经期或更年期症状,是一种透皮治疗系统,可以通过贴在皮肤上的贴片缓慢供给需要补充的雌激素。 贴片中的雌二醇是天然的雌激素,并且与绝经前卵巢分泌的雌激. 激素替代治疗 更年期综合征,如血管动力症状(过多出汗,潮热),尿道生殖器萎缩,小便失禁,睡眠紊乱和情绪不稳定 预防更年期的骨质疏松 。 用量和用法: 一般情况下每次用1片,每片可使用7日,7日后再换用另一个新的贴片。 贴片处的皮肤可出现潮红或发痒,乳房胀痛,肿 …
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for oestrogen deficiency symptoms in postmenopausal women more than one year after menopause. Experience of treating women older than 65 years is limited. For transdermal use. FemSeven Conti has to be applied once a week, i.e. each patch is replaced every 7 days.
Efficacy of a new 7-day transdermal sequential estradiol ... - PubMed
2002年3月25日 · Objective: To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of a new 7-day transdermal sequential estradiol/levonorgestrel patch (Fem7 Combi; Merck KGaA; Germany), versus placebo, as hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women.
Efficacy and tolerability of a new 7-day transdermal estradiol patch ...
2000年2月15日 · Objectives: To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of a continuously applied 7-day-Estradiol patch (Fem7, Merck KGaA, Germany) delivering 50 microg estradiol per day in the treatment of hysterectomized women with postmenopausal complaints compared with …
Efficacy of a new 7-day transdermal sequential …
2002年3月25日 · This new, unique, patent-protected SIS patch technology and the sequential combination of estradiol/levonorgestrel in a 7-day patch (Fem7® Combi) minimizes the potential side effects associated with the addition of an oral progestogen and may enhance compliance of the hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.
雌二醇/左炔诺孕酮(Estradiol/Levonorgestrel) - 药物靶点:ER x PR_ …
2023年5月1日 · Seven variations of a Tris-based non-activating diluents (FEM1 - FEM7) were compared to samples treated with conventional activating diluent and untreated semen. Semen viability (membrane integrity) was assessed after short- and long-term storage at 14.0 ± 0.2 °C.
Efficacy and tolerability of a new 7-day transdermal estradiol patch ...
2000年2月15日 · The objective of this clinical study was to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of a newly developed 7-day-Estradiol patch (Fem7®, Merck KGaA, Germany) compared with placebo in the treatment of hysterectomized women with postmenopausal complaints.
FEMSEVEN Transdermal patch Overview - MPI, EU: SmPC
Octagonal, transparent, flexible, rounded-edge transdermal matrix patch located on an oversized removable protective liner. Each patch contains 1.5 mg of estradiol hemihydrate in a patch size of 15 cm², releasing 50 micrograms of estradiol per 24 hours. For the full list of excipients, see 6.1.
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