FJWJ Labuschagne - Google Scholar
S Naseem, S Wießner, I Kühnert, FJWJ Labuschagné, A Leuteritz. Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 6 (2), 203-213, 2023. 13: 2023: Metal catalysed intumescence of polyhydroxyl compounds. FJWJ Labuschagne. University of Pretoria, 2005. 13: 2005: The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later. Articles 1–20.
FJWJ Labuschagne - ORCID
FJWJ Labuschagne via Scopus - Elsevier Exploring the Wet Mechanochemical Synthesis of Mg-Al, Ca-Al, Zn-Al and Cu-Al Layered Double Hydroxides from Oxides, Hydroxides and Basic Carbonates Crystals
University of Pretoria Œ Labuschagne, FJWJ (2003) When pyrolysed in air with an open gas flame or in a furnace, calcium gluconate monohydrate produces voluminous foam.
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Sajid Naseem - Google Scholar
S Naseem, BR Gevers, FJWJ Labuschagné, A Leuteritz. Materials 13 (19), 4384, 2020. 32: 2020: Different transition metal combinations of LDH systems and their organic modifications as UV protecting materials for polypropylene (PP) S Naseem, SP Lonkar, A Leuteritz, FJWJ Labuschagné ...
Effect of fermentation by lactic acid bacteria on the phenolic ...
2023年7月15日 · A total of 12 phenolic compounds, including 5 phenolic acids and 7 flavonoids, were identified and quantified in JWJ and FJWJ. FJWJ fermented by all LAB strains, except LA12-2, produced more polyphenolic compounds than JWJ, and TPC of each sample was substantially increased after fermentation (Table 2).
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Q_FJWJ 001-2018工艺竹木筷.pdf 7页 - 原创力文档
2019年1月10日 · 5 Q/FJWJ 001—2018 6.2 规格尺寸检验 规格尺寸用分度值为 0.01mm 的电子数显卡尺测量。 从表6 规定抽取的样本中,按 表 5 的要求随机抽取外观尺寸的检验样本数。