Fliqpy - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Evil Flippy, also known as Fliqpy, is Flippy's violent alter ego and the main antagonist in the Happy Tree Friends series (he also appears in its spinoff miniseries Ka-Pow!). He is considered one of the most popular characters of the series. However, Fliqpy's appearances are rare, to keep his behavior from becoming repetitive.
Fliqpy | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Fliqpy总是携带一把长刃猎刀和多个手榴弹,但经常从日常物品中即兴制作武器或使用越共式的诱杀装置。 他是系列中杀戮数第二高的角色,仅被 Lumpy 以超过300次的杀戮数击败。
Fliqpy - Villains Wiki
Fliqpy, stylized as FLiqPy and also known as Evil Flippy, is the main antagonist of Mondo Media's Happy Tree Friends franchise. He is a horrible manifestation of Flippy's PTSD, as well the alter-ego...
Fliqpy/Gallery - Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Images of Fliqpy. Before posting new images, read our rules on adding images before you start adding them yourself. To see images of Flippy, click here
Fliqpy - Fictional Characters Wiki
Fliqpy is Flippy's evil alter ego and the main antagonist in the Happy Tree Friends series (he also appears in its spin-off miniseries Ka-Pow!). He is considered one of the most popular characters of the...
Flippy(动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色)_百度百科
Flippy,男,动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色。 Flippy是一个退伍越战老兵,总是穿着迷彩服戴着贝雷帽。 当受到刺激并回想起战争时,他眼里所有的人都变成了敌军,他就会发疯并杀死所有人。 (遵守战争原则,一般不会杀死小孩、丧失自保能力的人或残疾人) [1] 他的第二人格叫Fliqpy。 原型是约翰·兰博. Flippy是一个退伍兵 (绿色贝雷帽),Flippy是一个绿色的雄性熊,长着一个粉红色的心形的鼻子。 总是穿着 迷彩服 戴着 贝雷帽,胸前挂着个军牌,军衔是中士。 对花生和巧 …
Flipped Out Flippy - Happy Tree Pedia
2024年10月22日 · Flipped out Flippy[1] (also known as Fliqpy in KA-POW! and The Crackpet Show as well as Flippy, Bad Flippy or Evil Flippy in other material) is the main antagonist of Happy Tree Friends, and the split personality of Flippy.
Fliqpy - HTF Fandom Wiki
Fliqpy is the homicidal side of Flippy. When Flippy's evil side takes over, he will believe he is still in the war and will murder almost everyone. He is recognized by his green pupils and sharp teeth. This will occur when Flippy is reminded of the war in …
Flippy | Happy tree friends Wiki | Fandom
Flippy is a green male bear with dog tags and a green beret with checkered crest. He is a. retired veteran soldier in the Army. He fought in the Vietnam War, and he has an obsession with making booby traps inspired by the Viet Cong, as well as a flashback of his experience of being held captive by them (as seen in Easy For You to Sleigh).
Flippy/Fliqpy | Happy Tree Friends Fandom Roleplay Wikia
Flippy and his evil side are a surprisingly popular couple. Many fans like this pairing because it is a "love-hate relationship". Some believe that Fliqpy wants to protect Flippy and that's why he takes over and kills the other Tree Friends.