Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles - Wikipedia
The Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) are a series of military vehicles based upon a common chassis, varying by payload and mission requirements. The FMTV is derived from the Austrian Steyr 12M18 truck, but substantially modified to meet United States Army requirements.
FMTV A2 | Oshkosh Defense
Oshkosh Defense’s FMTV A2 enhances crew survivability with armored cabs, 3-point seat belts, automatic braking systems, and the Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS). The FMTV increases tactical mobility with a small enough footprint to be deployed via a C-5, C-17 or C-130 aircraft.
Oshkosh Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)
2017年11月24日 · Oshkosh Defence developed the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) to meet a range of mission needs of the US Army combat support initiative. The FMTV can be used to transport troops and supplies, and recover disabled vehicles and weapon systems, as well as for line-haul operations.
超级大国的舶来品:美军FMTV系列中型战术军车 - 搜狐
2018年3月31日 · FMTV是Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles(中型战术车辆家族)的缩写,是美国陆军于上世纪80年代为了寻求一型通用底盘取代当时部队中型号繁杂的中型卡车而发起的项目,最终奥地利斯太尔公司和美国双斯(斯图亚特&斯蒂文森——Stewart and Stevenson)公司合作 …
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) - Military.com
The Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles is the U.S. Army’s primary set of strategically deployable vehicles that perform general resupply, ammunition resupply,...
The FMTV transports a wide variety of cargo, such as containers, pallets, flat racks, general supplies, personnel, and equipment to and within tactical units, as well as resupply to forward areas. FMTVs are designed to operate worldwide on primary and secondary roads, trails, and cross-country terrain of all surface types in all weather conditions.
Medium Tactical Vehicles - Oshkosh Defense
Oshkosh Defense’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) are built with the power, versatility, mobility, and performance military personnel can rely on in any environment or circumstance. FMTVs are commonly used for general resupply, ammunition resupply, maintenance and recovery, engineer support missions, troop transport, weapon systems ...
FMTVs are designed to operate worldwide on primary and secondary roads, trails, and cross-country terrain of all surface types in all weather conditions. During peacetime operations, the FMTV A2 is required to operate primarily on highways, consistent with commercial practices for trucks in this payload range.
FMTV战术车 - 百度百科
FMTV战术车是中型战术车族(FMTV)的一款中型卡车,采用通用卡车底盘。 FMTV战术车可以有效载荷不同级别的几种车辆结构。 斯图尔特与史蒂文森公司. 在战斗中取胜主要依靠士兵的生存能力,这个法则除了被应用到飞机,各类武器装备,还用在战术车上。 Stewart & Stevenson系列的中程战术车已经被证明是世界上最安全的战术车辆,但仍在完备来克服地雷和小型武器对士兵的威胁。 早些时候,生产出一种装甲战术车,其门可抵抗7.62毫米M80的弹药袭击。 在Dayton 大 …
标准斯太尔风格的FMTV中型战术卡车 18年新款成了美式猪鼻长头 …
咱们先来了解下啥是FMTV,FMTV全称应为Family ofMedium Tactical Vehicles既中型战术车辆家族的缩写。 上世纪80年代美国认为部队各种中型车辆的品牌型号过于复杂,为后勤的维修和补给带来了很多的麻烦,所以要通过一款通用底盘来取代,使各种功能都可以挂载在这款 ...